Wrong Reference given and uploaded, how to correct?

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Logsearch Feedback Wrong Reference given and uploaded, how to correct?

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    an Activator wrote me that he gave a wrong Reference number, being in another for some meter.
    The two Refs HBFF-0234 and HBFF-0033 are near, on a mountain zone; they are of the same Natural Reserve, but on two different Cantons, that’s why they are near, divided only by the Cantons Borders.
    How may we correct it?
    Thanks, we wait on an answer to clear this.
    73 44 Augusto


    Hello Manfred, here the Data for the Log Correction:
    Actual WRONG log : HB9CBR@HBFF-0033_20200718
    Wrong Reference: HBFF-0033 ,all other Data are OK

    TO BE CORRECTED AS: HB9CBR@HBFF-0234_20200718
    Correct Reference : HBFF-0234

    If you need some other Data from me, please I am at your disposal.
    73 44, and many many thanks!
    Augusto HB9TZA

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