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  • K0BAK

    Happy Christmas Eve, Manfred.

    After getting replies from chasers, I still can’t explain how these QSOs were created, though I’m now convinced they do not belong to any other activator either.

    Please remove these 83 contacts at KFF-0664 (only) on 1/17/2016. [Note that I have other legitimate contacts on that date from 4 other parks.] No hurry at all!

    — Pete K0BAK


    Manfred, thank you for continuing to work on this. At Jim’s suggestion, I wrote to the first two contacts in that log since those operators are familiar to me. I’m hoping their logs may help solve this mystery. I’ll contact you when they get back to me.

    — Pete K0BAK

    in reply to: Incorrect reference K0BAK #7320

    Can this be corrected for me? I’d appreciate it. I’m waiting for this correction to apply for a certificate. Thanks.

    — Pete K0BAK

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