Expedition Fauna & Flora and Contest IOTA

PS8RV – Ronaldo Val, will be in a new expedition in the Island of the Canaries, Delta of Parnaíba for joint operation in the Diploma WWFF and Contest IOTA. The operation will be carried out in the period from July 27 to 28 in the HF bands (80 to 10m) with a ZV8FF sign.

WWFF – PYFF – 0209 – DELTA DO PARNAIBA & IOTA SA- 072 (Caju Archipelago)DX Expedition & Contest IOTA – 28,29 July, 2018

Operator: Ronaldo Val – Callsign: ZV8FF Power – 100 WATTS – Bands – 10 – 15 – 20 – 40 – 80 meters – Mode SSB

More information: www.qrz.com/db/zv8ff