RFF-0015, hard-to-reach rare Bolshoy Arkticheskiy zapovednik is coming soon!

“Apostol Andrey” Yacht in the Arkhangelsk port water area.
As you know, a high-latitude sea expedition to the islands in the Kara Sea was started from Arkhangelsk (White Sea, R1O) in late August. On the “Apostol Andrey” yacht — an experienced captain, on board — a serious team of radio amateurs. Expedition plans, among other things, include working in the air as RI0B from several groups of Arctic islands: IOTA AS-054, AS-121, AS-104, AS-068, AS-087, AS-005.
All of these islands are part of the Bolshoy Arkticheskiy zapovednik (Great Arctic Nature Reserve) RFF-0015. This Nature Reserve was on air at the last time in 2010. Will it sound on the radio amateur air somewhen else in future — it is unknown.
Now the expedition is very close (4-5 days) to start RI0B activity from the most distant island.
RI0B operators will announce RFF-0015 reference number on air, it will be indicated on the QSL-card too. And we will upload the log of the expedition to WWFF LogSearch after the completion of the expedition and the safe return of all participants home.
We wish to all of you to conduct successful QSOs with new islands and a rare Nature Reserve! Besides that, this is also a good chance to catch up a still rare entity and Federal District for “Sanctuary Russia” Award and rare district for RDA.
73 & 44! RFF Team
More info:
(the photo is taken from the expedition web site)
The story is updated at https://www.facebook.com/groups/WWFF44/permalink/1098954380268054/