Dear WWFF Friends,
We are happy to announce the launch of the GoGreen XOTA initiative and award scheme that also includes WWFF program. What on earth does that mean?
There are thousands of amateur radio operating awards available, some of them offer a great way to take outdoor amateur radios. You can hike a high alpine mountain or a local hill, go to a green park or to a sunny beach around the corner, visit a lonely island or your favorite castle and “activate” them to enjoy outdoor amateur radio activities and apply for a corresponding activator award. The idea behind this initiative is not to create yet another outdoor amateur radio program, but to engage and participate in GoGreen XOTA activities that currently incorporate existing outdoor amateur radio programs:
- SOTA (Summits On The Air),
- GMA (Global Mountain Activity),
- WWFF (World-Wide Flora & Fauna),
- COTA (Castles On The Air),
- LOTA (Lighthouses On The Air),
- IOTA (Islands On The Air).
The term XOTA means X-any On The Air. You can activate or chase X-any object which is eligible for activating or chasing by the associated outdoor amateur radio program listed above (e.g. summit, castle, nature park, etc.) as long as you are compliant with the following GoGreen philosophy:
- Using personal cars, trucks, motorcycles, motor boots, etc. (any personal vehicles with combustion engines, hybrid and electro vehicles) should be avoided for any GoGreen activations.
- A GoGreen activation should be done on foot, by bicycle/e-bike, by paddle boat/canoe, with the support of an animal, and/or by public transport (bus, train, ferry, etc.).
- A GoGreen activation starts and ends at your QTH or at an alternative QTH. The alternative QTH is a place where the motorized personal vehicle has been parked and not moved for any XOTA activations for at least two nights or longer, e.g. your holiday destination, resort, etc.
- A GoGreen activation is an outdoor activity in the fresh air compared to amateur radio indoors. If possible, you should operate the radio outdoors at least 1 km or more from your QTH or an alternative QTH.
- QRP is preferred, Low Power (100W) should also be fine. Solar and battery powered operations are welcome. Combustion engine generators should not be utilized.
- Environmental impact and ecological footprint should be minimized as much as possible.
- Stay happy and healthy while enjoying GoGreen XOTA activities.
The GoGreen philosophy leaves plenty of room for individual interpretations of what GoGreen activation is and what is not. Finally, it is up to you how you integrate the GoGreen philosophy in your outdoor XOTA activities, and whether you judge that your activation corresponds to the GoGreen philosophy or not.
The motivation behind the GoGreen initiative would be to foster:
- outdoor and /P amateur radio activities in the fresh air,
- homebrewing and experimenting,
- personal health and fitness,
- flora and fauna conservation (less emissions, noise, damage, impact, etc.),
- “green” thinking (less congestion and traffic jams, better life quality, better use of time, etc.),
- personal achievements and joint family activities.
The GoGreen XOTA is basically a progress tracking and award scheme that targets your personal goals (health and fitness, number of different activated or chased objects or references, achieved GoGreen points, miles and QSOs, etc.) rather than the competition and ranking. Activators and chasers who wish to participate in the GoGreen award scheme and track their progress must submit their logs showing details of all QSOs through the GMA (Global Mountain Activity) platform at www.cqgma.org. Of course, ideally you should also submit your logs to the associated outdoor amateur radio programs.
Does it sound exciting? Take a quick look at the engagement and participation guidelines and get started!
There are many XOTA objects and references around you that are just waiting to be activated! Take a bike ride or a walk to the next castle, park or hill, enjoy nice weather and some exercise in the fresh air, experience amateur radio and have fun, submit your log to apply for awards. That’s it!
73, 77 de Dzianis, DD1LD es Mario, DL4MFM
“The idea behind who need this this initiative is not to create yet another outdoor amateur radio program”
….not create YET another outdoor….. When it will happens?
Is somebody who asked for something as this?
Why this post is hosted by WWFF site?
Or may WWFF will be under other management?
Pit, do you know the word “tolerance”?
With the same right that the YO-greenparty was announced here there was also the announcement of this program.
Greenparty is not held by WWFF, also XOTA is not held by WWFF, however for both we gave the info, not more and not less.
If you don´t like it, just ignore it, really don´t know whats the problem is.
Hi Pit,
What does your comment mean? I am happy to hear that it was a surprise and hopefully a positive one for you. I’ll try my best to answer your questions above, even if I’m not sure I got them right. I apologize if I cannot fully answer them.
The idea behind this initiative is NOT to create yet another outdoor amateur radio program, but to engage and participate in GoGreen XOTA activities that currently incorporate WWFF. It means, no new rules, but a personal progress tracking and additional award scheme. In order to apply for GoGreen awards you must operate within actual WWFF rules. Nothing changes neither for activators nor for chasers. Nothing changes for you, Pit, other than the fact that you can activate some WWFF areas by bike or on foot and apply for a nice award if you want. We are not going to create YET another outdoor program like WWFF, but we are going to support and promote WWFF. More activity, and especially, GoGreen activity, is always good, isn’t it, Pit?
This post has been hosted by WWFF as well as by other existing outdoor amateur radio programs WCA, SOTA and GMA, since GoGreen is supporting and promoting them. We are very pleased that the WWFF and other existing outdoor amateur radio programs reacted very positively to this initiative.
If you have any questions about GoGreen XOTA, please contact the GoGreen team directly.
73, 77 de Dzianis, DD1LD
Hi and sorry,
not my interest.
In my opinion we do not need a new program with new rules. The existing programs have different rules and are therefore mutually exclusive.
What about die cluster ?
Does the cluster also collect this data and does not send any into the real cluster network, as it should be?
You should start with that first.
73, Uwe
Hi Uwe,
I’m with you. When creating GoGreen XOTA, we also had the feeling that we didn’t need a new program with new rules in parallel to the actual WWFF program. The existing WWFF program is well designed and still offers great potential for growth. For these reasons, WWFF is an integral part of GoGreen XOTA.
Mario, DL4MFM is working on some cluster mods to make it easier and more intuitive for chasers to identify GoGreen activities (I mean GMA Cluster).
Please send me a private message (to me or better to Mario) with your suggestions. We’ll see if we can implement them.
73, 77 de Dzianis, DD1LD
Dear friends
I have nothing against the fact that X, Y or Z activates a reference from the WWFF program where you can get what you have at hand: car, boat, motorcycle, bicycle or pedestrian!
I may not speak English well, but “yet” means “yet.” That’s what it says in what was published. If so, I haven’t received an answer yet!
But I can see:”When creating GoGreen XOTA, we also had the feeling that we didn’t need a new program with new rules in parallel to the actual WWFF program. The existing WWFF program is well designed and still offers great potential for growth. For these reasons, WWFF is an integral part of GoGreen XOTA.” already
And as I can saw WE are DD1LD & DL4MFM….
Regarding GreenParty. This activity is within the provisions of the WWFF. No reference is made to other structures. It is not said “yet” anywhere! So I think it’s a personal interpretation of Mr. Manfred.
Initially GreenParty was a component of the WWFF, but for about 2 years since I left the WWFF leadership due to the fact that democracy in the WWFF disappeared, it was considered that what I created no longer takes place in the WWFF. This is GreenParty in organizing YOFF team and not exclusively for YO, so not YO-GreenParty!
Instead of GreenParty coagulating into a single global event. everyone does their own business (see OHFF, VKFF and others), but someone should step in here! But who should do this?
Which in fact happens; each for himself!
Did anyone ask what to do for the future in WWFF? Everything has become a routine. New references are created (!), Logs are sent to the database, diplomas are required. Otherwise, someone else goes on an exotic vacation. The same activators, the same hunters. From time to time it seems a new callsign ….
I had an exchange of ideas on GreenParty with DD1LD, but in the end XOTA appeared!
I’m sorry, maybe I’m a conservative, but nothing new has appeared in the WWFF lately, except for the points diploma!
Otherwise, the number of references keeps increasing, which animates the bands from time to time!
But like others they are finally limited and what will happen next ???
Possible XOTA?
Under GMA flag are ideas from SOTA, IOTA, WWFF(Reference list is in their site!) COTA, LOTA and it all is under name of XOTA!
I wish you good propagation.
Translation with Google!