S55G/p @S5FF-0056 Dolina Vipave
short escape from home due have some extra free time
Nice few hours spent on banks of Vipava river near my qth..
operating time +/-2 h 31min – 190 qso loged
62 QSO on 20m & 128 qso on 40m from 30 DXCC countries
Nice sunny weather ….nice activation…..but unhappy due expect ending before 13.30 gmt – company meeting at 14h…forced to start packing and moving toward ..job.
Gear : ICOM IC-7000
antenna MFJ whip 1979 + 4x5m ground radials on 20m + allthose and combined base load coil +4x10m groud radials
Thanks to all corispondents for all QSOs…
Hope to hear you again on nex reference activation
73 & 44 S55G Mike