It lies on the northern edge of the Triglav National Park, in the south it is surrounded by the forested Vitranc, and in the north by Karavanke. The swamp with the Drni marsh is about 1,200 meters long, 150 meters wide on average, about 200 meters in the widest part, and about twenty in the narrowest part. In the extreme western part of the swamp is an emerald green lake, from which extremely clean and cold springs boil trough a layer of lake chalk, which gives the water its characteristic blue-green color. Due to its color, the lake with the swamp was named Zelenci. Zelenci do not freeze in winter, their constant temperature throughout the year is about 6 ° C. In 1992, Zelenci and its surroundings were declared a nature reserve by a decree of the municipality of Jesenice.
You can walk to the lake and the swampy surroundings on a special wooden footbridge without harming nature.
An unforgettable green experience. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyOOdm2AUIU&ab_channel=KranjskaGora