Nominations and elections nominees

WWFF is looking for 6 six electable continental respresenatives for NA, SA, OC, EU, AF and AS. Any Ham living in a dedicated continent, who would like to join  WWFF is requested to apply through the contact gateway, addressed to Luk ON4BB.

Next as prevised in the WWFF constitution, the place as Chairman is vacant and need to be revoted each year. Any apply for this vacancy  should be addressed to Luk, ON4BB.

We close the recording of any for both continental representative and chairman at 31th January at midnight CET. Next the first week of February, the WWFF committee shall vote online among the received nominees.  Voting instructions to follow.

Please find the WWFF constitution through this link WWFF Constitution

Another Logsearch Update

As an update to last week’s news, I am pleased to announce further updates and improvements to the Reference Activation Statistics are now available in “new” Logsearch.

This update includes the addition of several further programs, and the inclusion of the Unactivated reports.

Secondly, this update extends the Top Operator reports to 100 operators (from 44).

Furthermore, this update will include the addition of awards from two further programs – which deserves an announcement of its own

VKFF-1707 Encounter Marine Park STORY


Yesterday (Sun 15/1/2017), myself, Chris VK5FR, and David VK5KC, headed down south to activate the Encounter Marine Park VKFF-1707. This was the first time that the park had been activated, and all three of us qualified the park for WWFF with in excess of 44 contacts each.

We enjoyed a great afternoon on the beach near the mouth of the mighty Murray River. Finished off the afternoon with a few beers at one of the local pubs in Goolwa, and then a nice meal at Strathalbyn. Continue reading



01/13/17 was a Friday – yes, Friday the 13th. Paraskevidekatriaphobia for those of you who are superstitious (Fear of Friday the 13th), but it was such a nice day – beautiful warm Carolina sunshine, 75°F (26.6°C), brilliant blue sky – nice day for a reconnaissance of the Wildlife Refuge in McNee, South Carolina – the Carolina Sandhills.

I started out a little later than I should have because it was a last minute decision. The XYL had decided to join her Ladies Group for cards and I just wanted to get out and enjoy a Spring like day. Heading North, it took me 1 ½ hours to get to McBee, SC and find the refuge. I was surprised at the amount of industry in McBee which seems like a little sleepy town, but it is home to AO Smith (water heaters), McCann and Gearly (protective clothing) and McLeod Farms – the world’s third largest fruit and vegetable farm with 1,500 acres of peach trees in production (500,000+ trees).

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OZFF New Years Hunt 2017 STORY


OZFF New Year Hunt 2017
At the autumn of 2016 OZ0JD  Jens came with the idea ”Why don´t We try to be many Activators at the same time and the Hunters can have an Award for working us”.
Jens got his HF-license in the Summer of 2016 and have been very active as Activator the last half year.
In May 2015 we did an similar event and it´s a good good situation to make some promotion of Flora Fauna in Denmark.
The date and name was planned with Jens as Event manager. Clubs and Hams were invited. We hoped to have 5-6 areas in the air, but ended up with 10 registered OZFF areas / Activators. A few of them were first time Activators.
A simple tool for checking callsigns in all the logs for the Award was maked by OZ3FI  Finn. Application was maked at

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