The 7O6T crew has been so kind to send their complete log for uploading into the WWFF LogSearch database. The DXpedition QTH was Socotra Island IOTA AF-28 but also counting for WWFF as 7OFF-0001.
7O6T log in WWFF LogSearch
02 Tuesday Aug 2016
02 Tuesday Aug 2016
29 Friday Jul 2016
Posted GMA, WWFF board news
inFrom now on WWFF and GMA (Global Mountain Activity) groups are having a close partnership. Both groups share a lot of the same interests (mainly outdoor activations) and working together can only improve and expand outdoor hamming.
OK2APY, Alena, will be as WWFF Map Manager complete the GMA interactive map.
Check out the GMA website at
As we also want to make the WWFF web an interactive platform for activators and chasers we gonna try to embed the brilliant GMA MAP and DX cluster
In the future we hope this cooperation may result in many more nice projects !
26 Tuesday Jul 2016
The EPC (European Phase Shift Keying Club) has launched a serie of EPCFF awards for contacts made with WWFF activations in PSK mode.
All info about the nice looking awards on EPCFF AWARDS .
23 Saturday Jul 2016
The YVFF division (Venezuela) is happy to present a brandnew website and award program. Check it out at YVFF Flora & Fauna Venezuela
WWFF will work on it to add the awards asap to the LogSearch database.
22 Friday Jul 2016
The QSO between EA3RKM and EA1BRL was the 7.000.000th QSO uploaded to the WWFF LogSearch database. Both stations received a nice award for this milestone in the WWFF program.
01 Friday Jul 2016
Posted Awards, WWFF board news
in≈ Comments Off on URFF award program
29 Wednesday Jun 2016
Posted Divisions, WWFF board news
in≈ Comments Off on ZSFF Country Coordinator