You are invite to take part in annual GreenParty.
06 Saturday May 2017
Posted Awards
You are invite to take part in annual GreenParty.
28 Friday Apr 2017
Posted Awards, Upcoming Activation
in≈ Comments Off on R2017F Special Event Callsign
2017 is the year of the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the first state reserve. 2017 is declared in Russia as the Ecology Year. The main tasks of the Ecology Year are solutions for the problems to ensure environmental safety and to preserve the unique nature of Russia. Among the many important events and projects it is planned to open 11 new and expand 2 existing protected areas (specially protected natural areas — nature reserves, national parks, etc).
The Outdoor QRP Radio Group arranged a special callsign R2017F (Russia-2017-Field), and will use it for for amateur radio activity from various specially protected natural areas. Some of those areas have RFF-references (“Russian Flora & Fauna” in the RFF and WWFF ham radio award programs).
R2017F will be active from May 1 to July 31, 2017 only from the territory of various specially protected natural areas (RFF-#### according to the RFF and WWFF award programs) using only QRP-power on different bands and different modes in accordance with the Rules of the “Field Flowers” outdoor QRP Marathon.
Read more on the Outdoor QRP Activity Group website
26 Wednesday Apr 2017
An second Logsearch update of the month has just been released, featuring a number of new awards:
I am pleased to announce the appointment of Adrian M0PAI as the new GxFF Awards Manager.
Unfortunately, the artwork of the previous awards was not handed over by the departing award manager; as such, Adrian has designed a new set of awards.
We have decided to award them in steps of 11, meaning anyone who has one of the ‘old’ awards can claim the new ones… they will be released progressively.
As an experiment, to (try to) encourage activators to re-activate references, Lars PH0NO has created an award for PAFF activations in 2017. This will be awarded for 4, 11 and 22 references activated.
This update also automates the verifying of profiles, to enable the ‘Apply for Awards’ capability… previously, this had to be assigned manually.
To gain ‘Apply for Awards’, your profile must include your first name, and a primary callsign – note, while your username is usually your primary callsign, this is not necessarily the case, and teh callsign MUST be populated by you the user!
Any problems, or new feature requests, via the Help Desk Forum please.
18 Tuesday Apr 2017
Posted Awards, Logsearch, News, Park-to-Park
inUpdate 2017-04-24: a bug in calculating the Activator QSO count (for the WARD-A award) has been fixed.
An update to Logsearch has just been released, featuring a number of new awards:
This update also fixes a number of problems with the confirmation of Park to Park contacts, which has resulted in a further 1,000 P2Ps being confirmed. Unfortunately, nearly 7,000 remain unconfirmed – mostly due to the lack of the corresponding logs 🙁
Finally, this update addresses a number of minor issues:
Any problems, or new feature requests, via the Help Desk Forum please.
13 Thursday Apr 2017
Posted Awards
in≈ Comments Off on WORLD RADIO AMATEUR DAY 2017 certificate
Working during 48 hours (UTC) from 00:00utc 17th to 23:59utc 18th of April 2017 7 different stations in protected areas with reference in WWFF directory and from at least 3 different countries(entities) DXCC countries or states/territory from VK areas.
Apply via Logsearch
In same period you need to make 300 QSOs.
OSOs need to be in Logsearch
Deadline : 15th of May 2017 00:00UTC
Apply via Logsearch > SPECIAL AWARDS
Hope you will make a “great day” from World Radio Amateur Day 2017. See you in bands from any protected area!
08 Wednesday Mar 2017
Posted Awards, Logsearch, News, Park-to-Park
inAn update to Logsearch has just been released:
Any problems, or new feature requests, via the Help Desk Forum please.
22 Wednesday Feb 2017
Posted Awards
in≈ Comments Off on YOFF 2017 award
During the year 2017 (International year of sustainable tourism for development ), you may earn the special award from Romania: the “YOFF 2017 Let Save The Green Planet Earth”. http://wff-yo.blogspot.ro/2017/02/diploma-yoff-2017.html
Rules: During the entire calendar year 2017, work at least 5 stations from different YOFF protected areas and at least 10 stations from other FF areas in 5 different countries on at least 2 continents. Requests must be received before 01.02.2018
. Cost of the printed award is 5€ or 5 valid IRC’s. Apply to Fenyo Stefan Pit, P.O. Box 19-43, RO-033210 Bucuresti 19, Romania
If you request that the award be sent by electronic means, there is NO COST for the pdf or jpg document.
Apply by e-mail to: fenyo3jw(at)yahoo.com
Internet: http://wff-yo.blogspot.com
How you can ask for it
Go to LOGSEARCH, use your own call to open it with “search” After it open a new window look for years(left up) and select the year (2017) click on; Wait to open a new window and look for “QSO”; click on! Will open a list with your QSOs in 2017. Select the requested QSO and copy into a text file until you got all necessary QSOs; You need 10 QSOs with 2 different continents(you can see EU/xx, AS/xx, NA/xx, OC/xx aso) After it you can select 5 different entities (in same maner), take more 3 different other QSOs and at lest select EU/YO in 5 different YOFF. All that QSO are now pasted in a text file. 15 line! Save it and sent to me!
Some for previous years
73 Pit YO3JW