Bad Logsearch function.

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  • #10854
    Karel OK1HCG

    I have problems processing diplomas – I do not receive diploma applications and also diploma approvals from Logsearch … in the last 5 months in about 77 cases!
    To whom should I send a more detailed description / info?
    OK1HCG OKFF Award manager

    Swa (ON5SWA)

    I had a problem with receiving them a while ago.
    Working with GMAIL.
    I checked mij provider emailadres and they were all there.
    So, I changed my emailadres in WWFF to my original from telenet provider. Then I gave a rule in my provider to forward all email from
    WWFF to my GMAILadres.
    73 on5swa Swa (maybe u get better info from Andrew)

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