Call Correction

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  • #10477
    Bob (KA9JAC)

    In log #00088800 KT4UE@KFF-4863 20200812.adi
    The call at 1751 shows as k3nym
    the correct call should be K4NYM

    73. 44
    Bob, KA9JAC


    How correct a uploaded log on ?

    Log 00088752
    ON8ON_P@ONFF-0444 20200811.adi

    I’m made a mistake in my Log 2020/08/11 for ONFF-0444 logged VE9MI in place of Len de VE9MY VEFF-2275.
    I’have no return to my email from our ONFF Log manager Luk de ON4BB. He is maybe in vacation.

    Many Thanks fer info 73 es 44 Yves
    ON8ON/P 2020/08/11 ONFF-0444
    Log 00088752

    Manfred Meier

    all three hunter-call fields were updated to K4NYM, Bob,

    to ON8ON, please next time create new topic, VE9MY was corrected

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