Callsign Change, login, awards

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk WWFF Website Callsign Change, login, awards

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  • #6262

    I have been issued a new callsign. I have read and updated my profile to reflect the old and new callsigns, but I am left with two questions/concerns:

    1) The FAQ indicates you do not need to change your username or to re-register. The profile editor indicates Usernames cannot be changed. But what if I want to change my username? What if someone else picks up my old callsign and wants to use it for their username?

    2) The FAQ indicates Awards are issued to the Primary Callsign specified in your profile. What does this mean for the QSOs I have already logged, and awards already obtained? Am I starting over for awards? It’s okay if I am, I just want to know.

    Andrew M0YMA

    If you change your primary callsign, then let me know the old and new.

    I can then weave some back-end magic to make sure they are linked to your new one.

    The Usernames cannot be changed restriction is a (ahem) feature of WordPress – but there is always a way, if it really is an issue.


    Andrew, I upgraded my license recently, as well, and got a new callsign when I did. How do I contact you to give you my new and old callsigns?


    Andrew M0YMA

    KF5ZFW – please post old and new here, and I will change them for you (and email you when I’ve done it!)


    Andrew, please add me to the list. W6RLV is old call sign, new more CW user friendly is N6MMA.

    Thank you in advance.


    Are these issues sorted ?


    1. USERNAME can never be changed

    2. The PRIMARY callsign is the one used for all FUTURE awards applying for. The already submitted awards remaain on the OLD callsign

    3. All countings group both (or more) callsigns, total count is set on the PRIMARY CALLSIGN



    Please provide an update to this issue. Randy contacted me today asking me for an update. He has two separate lists of stats showing for him, despite making the changes to his account that he was instructed to do. Thanks for your assistance.

    Very 73/44 de Jeff – KB3ZUK

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