Coordinator for S5FF Slovenia

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  • #11385

    Who is coordinator for S5FF Slovenia if any…
    Where to find infos….I was searching but no sucess….
    if noone where to post the log…
    Im on Rogla and already activated and made over 130 qso at S5FF-0004
    Have paln to be active for few day for couple of hours each day..
    Wondering where to send/upload the log (adif) .


    Realy no answer where to uopload the log?
    There must be an solution to this… some kind of general upload posibility for country with NO Coordinators or for general upoading ADIFS into WWFF log…I was seraching on WWFF web for infos but no luck….I dont know the situation and politics in other countries and with WWFF…..I just have a will t activate a reference area FF and have a log to upload…
    I dont mind at all at the end….. but have Allready 200+ qso in log….I had fun 4 myself at least oustide in beautiful Rogla nature…… but im concern for those who replyed to my calls and are in log and to have qso with reference confirmed…
    So …again ….where to send S5FF-0004 log adif…from mt.Rogla JN76QK

    73 Mike S55G

    All QSOs will be when I return home uploaded to my,lotw,eqsl,HRDlog,Clublog..logs on web… at least…

    Luk ON4BB

    Hi Mike, untill now we have no S5 coordinator or log mgr in S5.
    Still waiting for people intressed to deal with it.

    Logs from park activities in DXCCs not represented in the current WWFF program can be sent to: (As specified in our rules 6.11 )

    If you know hams intressed to take the S5 WWFF program in S5 , write to ,we will guide you through the procedure to get S5 in our WWFF program.

    Luk ON4BB
    WWFF Member Administrator



    After some time I take some iniciative and lunch efforts in netowrking setting and organising stuff and neccesary things to run FF program
    here in S6 and search enthusiasts among S5 HAms.We allready have start to prepare all for lunch S5FF program and activites ,coordinating ,email,web,logo…etc….
    WE are on start….so be patient…and thanks for support and help….

    73 de Mike S55G

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