Duplicate Logs

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  • #15682
    Stuart Crawford

    Somehow I managed to upload a duplicate log, I need this one deleted

    180454279_VA3EWVVEFF-4101-20250301 (1).ADI


    Hi all

    if it’s possible also for myside for

    00182668 F6KEX/P to deleted this because there isn’t the good réf

    73’s Fab F4GYM

    Manfred Meier

    somehow you managed to get two tasks into one request, so first answer to Stuart VE9CF,
    this is a totally mess

    you loaded log: 180454279_VA3EWVVEFF-4101-20250301.ADI
    with 199 contacts
    then you loaded log: 180454279_VA3EWVVEFF-4101-20250301 (1).ADI
    with 200 contacts
    then you loaded log:
    180454279_VA3EWVVEFF-4101-20250301 (1) (1).ADI
    with another 200 contacts

    so 600 contacts in statistic for finally only 200 done ??
    So please tell me what is now the correct one out of this three then I will delete the other two.

    Manfred Meier

    now the answer to the second question
    if there is only the wrong reference in the log Fab, then please tell me the correct one and I will change ist.

    Hi all

    if it’s possible also for myside for

    00182668 F6KEX/P to deleted this because there isn’t the good réf

    73’s Fab F4GYM

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