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  • #6080

    Buenos días:

    El 4 de Julio despues de realizar una actividad EAFF, mande el log y las fotos para ser validada dicha actividad. Recientemente, el 1 de Septiembre, al comprobar que la referencia que indique en el correo no era la correcta volvi a mandar toda la documentación ya que la referencia correcta es EAFF-183.
    No tengo ningun comunicado al respecto.
    ¿Podrian informarme de como esta el tema?

    Un saludo y gracias.

    Andrew M0YMA

    Google translate:

    On July 4, after performing an EAFF activity, send the log and photos to be validated. Recently, on September 1st, when checking that the reference that indicated in the mail was not correct returned to send all the documentation since the correct reference is EAFF-183.
    I have no communication about it.
    Could you tell me how the topic is?

    Manfred? Estela EA4DE?

    Manfred Meier

    can you tell me, which was the callsign?
    I can check the logs only if I have the call associated. Manfred

    Manfred Meier

    I have only a log from 2017-06-24 which arrived at 2017-07-04 from EC2AHS/p for EAFF-0184, of course this was also uploaded for EAFF-0184 and is online.

    Manfred Meier

    Hello, all 182 contacts from 2017-06-24 were moved from EAFF-0184 into EAFF-0183

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