Error in activation list

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    The following park has been credited to me, N7AME in error. I live in Everett, Washington and have never been to Vermont. Some 19 Hams are looking for this credit but may not because of the activator error.

    Activation number 2 on my list of activation Activator Activity Statistics for user N7AME (using call-sign N7AME), KFF-3122 for Kettle Pond VT on 2017-08-22 for 19 QSO’s

    Thanks for the fun and when you can get to it is fine with me.

    Manfred Meier

    Well, there exist a log #45810 for KFF-3122 with the file-name
    N7AME@KFF-3122 20170822.adi
    which was uploaded by W7JKC

    Is this log totally wrong and need to be deleted or must it be for a different reference where you was active from ?

    73, Manfred DF6EX

    Manfred Meier

    Can you please send me the infos, that I can finish this task?
    Manfred DF6EX WWFF-log-manager


    Activator, Activity (log Search). Item 2, Kettle Falls VT KFF-3122 is not mine. I have never been to VT in my 72 years. Some else did and they should get the credit. It was downloaded incorrect to me.

    Thank you


    Manfred Meier

    Hi John, the 19 contacts were set to deleted
    73, Manfred DF6EX

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