few mistakes of OG3E/p logs

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  • #14858

    “171180” 20240824 1143 OH3FSR 20m ssb CORRECT band 40m ssb.
    “166868” 20240608 1250 OH3FSR ohff-0277 CORRECT ref ohff-0548
    “169596” 20240731 0813 OH3KRH 40m ssb CORRECT band 40m ssb
    “163012” 20240330 1133 OH2NOS/P 80m ssb CORRECT band 40m ssb

    73 44 de Jari oh3krh

    Manfred Meier

    changed, however how is this to understand ???

    “169596” 20240731 0813 OH3KRH 40m ssb CORRECT band 40m ssb

    it is already 40m ssb and also contacts before and behind are 40m ssb

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