Forum Areas Access ?

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  • #10863

    Hallo, sorry I have a silly question …
    I was not able to find the Forum Access privilegies or Rules.
    I want to know what areas are of free access, and who can open a new topic , and who and how may someone post on a topic.
    This because an OM awked me how to access and create a topic, ( List of Activators resident into WWFF References) thing that he was not able to do.
    Thanks, Happy New Year 2021 to All !
    Augusto HB9TZA / I2JJR

    Andrew M0YMA

    In theory, any registered member has access to the forum, and can create topics

    If not, that needs looking into!


    Thank you, Andrew!
    I have forwarded your Answer to the interested OMs.
    73 44, Augusto HB90TZA

    Andrew M0YMA

    I’ve looked into this further… it appears that the default access to the forum was Spectator – ie you could read but not post

    This begs the question as to how some people got Participant status, and so could post!

    I’ve changed the default, and changed everyone’s access ๐Ÿ™‚


    Thank you! That’s imho a right approach. 73 44 August

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