Looking for coordinator EAFF

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  • #3712

    If someone is interested in occupying my post as an EAFF coordinator, let me know or tell a WWFF official.


    In the hypothetical case that there is no candidate, both EA8CER-Fran, and I (both EAFF coordinators) will cease our position as much on June 27, 2017


    We detail the timetable for closure EAFF diploma.

    Starting on February 1st, 2017 substantial changes will occur in the EAFF website and the Facebook page EAFF.

    On the website of EAFF the following changes will occur:

    The utility from which ads upcoming activities will stop functioning are published.
    They shall cease to make publications regarding the activities approved and unapproved.
    It will stop updating the list of activities valid, invalid and false.
    He will no longer approve new user registrations on the website of EAFF.
    On the Facebook page the following change will occur:

    It will stop uploading photos and videos of activities.
    The EAFF will continue to operate under minimal degree, will continue taking comprehensive control of each and every one of the activities but internally, with the sole purpose of transferring all that information to a possible new coordinator EAFF. From the day February 1, 2017 we continue validating activities based on the photos and / or videos provided but such photos and / or videos will not be published. The logs will still be up to the international web of WWFF.

    Day 1 March 2017 diplomas WWFF-EAFF program will no longer be continued since that date will no longer be possible to request them from WWFF logsearch.

    The EAFF Extra diplomas also no longer be available for hunters and will be available only expedition.

    Diploma EAFF.


    If nobody will take this charge, I will be interested.
    You have to send me the Awards and so on.
    Coordinator for LX


    Hello Mill, the WWFF leaders have already taken letters on the matter, on January 21, 2017 I wrote …

    “It will stop uploading photos and videos of activities.
    The EAFF will continue to operate under minimal degree, will continue taking comprehensive control of each and every one of the activities but internally, with the sole purpose of transferring all that information to a possible new coordinator EAFF. From the day February 1, 2017 we continue validating activities based on the photos and / or videos provided but such photos and / or videos will not be published. The logs will still be up to the international web of WWFF.”

    They have decided the following:

    Starting from 1 February the EAFF web will close down. All further EAFF logs should be addressed to WWFF Operations Approval Manager df6ex@winqsl.de, until a new EAFF co-ordinator is installed.



    Andrew M0YMA

    Perhaps EAFF team should nominate a candidate for EU Representative, and influence the things they say they don’t like??


    The EAFF team no longer exists.
    Maybe if instead of advising this kind of thing, had made the changes in log errors, the EAFF team would still follow

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