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  • #6125

    I notice in the new issue of the .pdf directory (download) that it continues to be incorrect for National program VEFF.

    The online directory shows the correct information and is the same as my master VEFF list.

    Long time ago reference VEFF-0096 St. Lawrence Islands National Park was renamed to Thousand Islands National Park (SLINP). To follow alphabetical order, it was moved to position VEFF-099. That is VEFF-0099 becomes Thousand Islands National Park (SLINP).
    Therefor VEFF-0099 and VEFF-0098 were moved down to VEFF-0098 and VEFF-0097, making room for Thousand Islands National Park (SLINP) in slot VEFF-0099. To fix this issue should be easy as it only requires renaming and moving up one. Then two are moved down in the PDF list.

    The correct PDF DIRECTORY should read the following:
    VEFF-0096 Stalwart National Wildlife Area
    VEFF-0097 Terra Nova National Park
    VEFF-0098 Thaydene Nene National Park
    VEFF-0099 Thousand Islands National Park (SLINP)
    VEFF-0100 Tintamarre National Wildlife Area

    The PDF Directory, WWFF online database and my original master file will then all read the same correct information.

    Please correct this problem for the next issue of the downloadable PDF DIRECTORY, if not sooner. Thank you for your time regarding this issue.

    73/44 from Dave, VA3RJ
    National Co-ordinator for VEFF – Canada

    Andrew M0YMA

    Hopefully, now resolved!

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