QSO Dates Incorrect within Logs

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Log Corrections QSO Dates Incorrect within Logs

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  • #9242
    Steve (N1TYH)

    Hi Manfred,

    Three logs were uploaded for Terry, KK1TLS. The file dates below are correct, but the QSOs within the logs were dated 2018 not 2019. Can you correct the date for the QSOs within each of the logs, or is it better for you to delete them, and I’ll re-upload?

    KK1TLS@KFF-3614 20190112
    KK1TLS@KFF-3637 20190112
    KK1TLS@KFF-3671 20190112

    As you see, 2019 is accurate in the file names above, however, the QSOs for these parks would have been listed as 20180112 within the files.

    Thanks for any advice.

    Steve, N1TYH

    Manfred Meier

    the logs 67031,67032,67033 were updated, however there is an additional log for KFF-3671 and KK1TLS also from 2019-01-12 uploaded by you with another 20 contacts, is that correct too?

    Steve (N1TYH)

    Hi Manfred,

    The log for KFF-3671 with 20 contacts is correct. It was for year 2019 as uploaded.

    Thanks for helping Terry.

    73 & 44,
    Steve, N1TYH

    Manfred Meier

    thanks, task closed

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