Stepping down as LAFF award manager

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums National Programs & Awards Stepping down as LAFF award manager

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  • #14008
    Kjetil (LB4FH)


    Due to a change in priorities and generally high work load on other parts of life I’ve notified the LAFF manager that I’m stepping down as award manager. As of now there’s no replacement for me, which means the award program will become dormant.

    I’m not sure of the best correct way to communicate this in to the management here, but I do hope it gets picked up and the requests deactivated until an eventual replacement appears.

    73 & 44 de LB4FH

    Luk ON4BB

    Hi Kjetil,
    THank you for your effort in supporting the LAFF award program.
    If in the future there will be somebody who take over your duty as award mgr, get in touch with us through

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