Who may / does ask for Log Corrections?

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Log Corrections Who may / does ask for Log Corrections?

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    I’ve been asked about this, and I was not able to find a clear indication.
    So, a question or suggestion, please:
    who may/should ask here for Log Corrections? ONLY the National Coordinator for that activation, or every hunter that sees an error in logs?
    That is, if somebody sees an error receiving QSLs or eQSLs, may he ask directly for corrections to the WWFF Forum or she/he must write to the pertinent National Coordinator to ask for that?
    In the future, when Nat Coord will be able to correct the logs themselves, this will be the right way to do; but nowadays what could be the best solution?
    Thanks, 73 44 Augusto I2JJR / HB9TZA


    I would like to add that, in order to keep all the Log Archives updated, it would be a better solution for the Hunters or Activators, that find or may have found an error, to write all these Error Data to the National Coordinator of that Reference National Award.

    In such a way the Nat. Coord. keep all the Logs corrected and this will avoid possible future Mess.

    I therefore strongly recommend to keep the National Coordinators involved in the Error Correction, while they wait to be able to correct the Log Errors themselves, as is on the To Do List.

    73 44, Augusto HB9TZA
    WWFF HBFF National Coordinator

    Manfred Meier

    Hello, only coordinators should send their wishes for corrections.

    Most important however is to keep the number of changes in an acceptable limitation.

    So, the corrections are a one-man show.

    Best suggestion at first is to keep a good log.
    Also in earlier days if your log was not ok you got no QSL.

    So before sending as a new record the log just one hour after operation I strongly recommend everybody !!!! to have a final look into the ADI-file.

    I also go finally through my log with a text-marker and compare every single contact before I send it on the way. This doesn´t avoid all errors but keeps it on a minimum-level.

    73, Manfred

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