Wrong Reference

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  • #12650

    Log VK1DI@VKFF-3181_20220626.adi had the wrong activator reference VKFF-3081.

    Can this be corrected to VKFF-3181.

    73 Ian VK1DI

    Manfred Meier

    Hi Ian, I really don´t know what is going on, some time ago, I got the message that the log for VKFF-3181 which is log-id 126521 needs to be deleted as it was a double-upload.

    The log 126520 which is for VKFF-3081 since that is the only valid one for this activity.

    Now you are writing that the log for this date should be valid for VKFF-3181.

    Can you please tell me definitely now what is correct ???????


    Hi Manfred,

    I originally uploaded a log for an activation of VKFF-3181, but in the ADIF file had entered the wrong reference, VKFF-3081. I then uploaded a second corrected log, which I should not have done, sorry. This second log was deleted, so there is still the problem entry in the first log.
    VKFF-3081 is Nullica Flora Reserve in VK3, not yet activated
    VKFF-3181 is Justice Robert Hope Park Nature Reserve in VK1, which I activated.

    Manfred Meier


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