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  • in reply to: Error in activation list #8025

    Activator, Activity (log Search). Item 2, Kettle Falls VT KFF-3122 is not mine. I have never been to VT in my 72 years. Some else did and they should get the credit. It was downloaded incorrect to me.

    Thank you


    in reply to: Using LogSearh and appling for Awards #5705

    Thank you Jacob for the reply, but I think I already am registered member and have an account, N7AME. It appears my profile only allows me a very restricted operation of this website.
    In this menu: “https://wwff.co/wp-admin/admin.php?page=logsearch-menu” My Privileges
    Username Site Role WWFF Role Primary Call Other Calls Cont DXCC AA AD MP MA MD UL
    N7AME subscriber, bbp_participant Participant N7AME None NA USA [May apply for awards] [Is NOT a Directory Admin] [Is NOT an Program Manager] [Is NOT an Award Manager] [Is NOT a Directory Manager] [May NOT upload logs]


    I have received two awards already. But how do I look at an award in-progress? I know I need to get several QSO’s of a certain “type” of award but I don’t know what the QSO’s of that “type” I have or are missing that I need to fill in.

    This may be a mute issues because I’m not that hot after award certificates any more but the first one I got there were duplicates and several were not in my log. I was the hunter.
    I have contacted each individual HAM and reconciled the logs.

    The bottom line is that something is missing or I can’t make it work. The FAQ has an example of the screen for awards (3 of 4) and I assumed it would also tell me what I’m missing and already have because it gives me a “0/2″ or 0/5”. I want to know what the 2 or 5 is and nothing so far has worked.

    I’m a button pusher and I expect something (good or bad) to happen. Most of the buttons that give me the Microsoft “finger” do nothing.

    Thank you for your time and since I am not after awards as such, I will continue to hunt and activate parks whenever and work through the area manager here in the Seattle area.


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