Changes in “Team GxFF”

The start of relaxation of restrictions provides an opportunity to refresh Team GxFF.

I am pleased to announce that:

  • Adie M0PAI will take over as GxFF Coordinator
  • Carl 2E0HPI continues as Log Manager
  • Mike M0MCY joins Team GxFF as Award Manager
  • Denised 2E0SLO joins as Event Manger

I will be around to assist, when required – but not to interfere 🙂

Get Your Park ON! Spring Fling

Get your Park ON! Spring Fling, will occur March 20-21, 2021 in celebration the advent of Spring. The event is open to all WWFF Activators and Hunters and is sponsored by the U.S. (KFF) affiliate of World Wide Flora and Fauna (WWFF).

The GYPO Spring Fling will be an International event inviting all Activators through the world to participate. Hunters everywhere are invited to search out and contact Activators everywhere, making this truly a worldwide, DX event.

This event will include Get Your Park ON! Spring Fling Special Event Stations (GYPO SES). These stations will be active from KFF parks throughout the week operating with 1×1 callsigns, e.g., N5G. Hunters are encouraged to work as many of these Special Event Stations as possible, with special recognition given to those working five or more.

A complete list of the Special Event Stations will be provided at the start of GYPO Spring Fling. Their operating plans and schedules will be posted on their individual QRZ pages.

GENERAL RULES: Operators are required to follow rules of their countries, within restrictions of their licenses, and to follow rules set forth by WWFF and its national organizations.

ELIGIBILITY: Get Your Park ON! Spring Fling is open to all WWFF Activators and Hunters worldwide.

DATES: March 20, 0000 UTC through March 21, 2359 UTC

VALID QSOs: Activators and Hunters throughout the World can exchange QSOs with each other. Park-to-Park QSOs are encouraged between Activators.

BANDS: All authorized Amateur frequencies; however, activity should center on frequencies suggested in WWFF program rules. ( Section 14.5)

MODES: All amateur modes are permitted.

EXCHANGE: Only signal report is required. WWFF Reference ID (e.g., KFF-1234, ONFF-1234) may be included by Activators optionally.

LOGS: All Activators are expected to submit their logs to their assigned person (may vary by country) for upload to the WWFF system. Credit for all Hunters and Activators will accrue as normal WWFF QSOs.

ACHIEVEMENT CERTIFICATES: A special achievement certificate will be available for all Hunters working at least 10 different WWFF References and to Activators with successful activations (44 QSOs) from at least 2 different WWFF References. And as is normally permitted, multiple visits can be made to reach 44 QSOs for a successful activation. A special endorsement will be available for those working at least 5 Special Event Stations. Request a certificate by email to


OZFF Spring Hunt 2021

On saturday the 13th of march the OZFF Group would like to invite all WWFF Hunters to participate in the OZFF Spring Hunt 2021.

The event will start at local sunrise 05:35 utc and finish at sunset  17:13 utc.

Stations that work 5 or more ozff areas during the event can appply for an award, see after the event has finished.

Activators can activate more than one OZFF area through out the day. An activator list can be found at :

At this time 11 ozff areas are planned but i am sure more areas will be activated. The list will be updated before the event.

During the event, all Activators are strongly recommended to follow recommendations and restrictions for covid 19 as set down by national authorities.

Hope to see You all in the logs 🙂

Vy 73 de OZ7AEI / Jakob

Logsearch update v0.0.13

The latest update (v0.0.13) has just been released…

The headline is that FINALLY club stations are correctly identified on Top Operators… plus (once again) the addition of a number of new awards and award steps, plus a bit of tidying up.

Note: some of these have been pre-released…0

Issues Addressed

This update revises the following new awards and/or award levels:

  • Issue #00020 – Add new levels LZFF-A-44 and LZFF-H-80
  • Issue #00035 – Add new level ONFF-H-1000
  • Issue #00051 – Add new level P2P-A-1244

Linked to these, some fixes to Award GCRs and Award operation:

  • Issue #00022 – Disable “Apply for Award” if already applied for
  • Issue #00040 – Remove DX bonus points
  • Issue #00062 – Award Manager email issues
  • Issue #00063 – Separate active and dormant national programs
  • Issue #00071 – Correct quorum for VKFF[MRPA]

This update also addresses the following other issues:

  • Issue #00011 – Add missing DXCCs
  • Issue #00025 – More PHP7 issues
  • Issue #00026 – Club stations now listed on Top Operators
  • Issue #00052 – Trap broken callsigns starting with two numbers
  • Issue #00064 – Top operators oddity
  • Issue #00065 – ADIF v3.1.1 compatibility
  • Issue #00066 – Remove hardcoding of admin URLS
  • Issue #00067 – Convert menus to multi-lingual capable
  • Issue #00070 – Map UK stations to the correct “home” regional identifier
  • Issue #00072 – Add (some) VK IOTAs
  • Issue #00073 – Require non-zero lat/lon for references (new or modified)
  • Issue #00075 – Add support for year=2021

Open Issues can be found in the Issue Tracker.

Future Plans

Further work is ongoing…

Personal Note

Development of Logsearch has to fit around family and work commitments! Unfortunately, my job means I’m on the road a lot!


Any problems, or new feature requests, via the Help Desk Forum please.

Seasons greetings

Let me wish you all merry christmas and a happy new year, but of course especially good health for you and your families. Let´s hope for the year 2021 that the actual strange situation hopefully will be better. Seasons greetings, Manfred DF6EX

KFF Marathon Challenge 2021

After the astounding success of KFF Marathon Challenge 2020, we are excited to announce it will be repeated in 2021.

Beginning January 1, 2021 KFF again sponsors a KFF Marathon Challenge, a yearlong activity wherein we will recognize the achievers who work, or activate, the most KFF References during the calendar year. There are categories for Top North American Hunters, Top DX Hunters, and Top Activators. The effect of the Marathon Challenge will be that on January 1st, for the sake of the Challenge, everybody’s KFF counter will reset to zero, and all KFF References will be “New” again. This opens a whole new world for Hunters and Activators alike.

Good luck hunting in 2021 when propagation should be much better!

Rules can be found at:

M0YMA Comment

Could all WWFF hunters please ensure that your profile is correct… lots of you have the wrong Continent and/or wrong DXCC shown. This makes the analysis a bit of a pain!

GxFF Operations

The Covid rules across the UK provide a confusing mish-mash of restrictions:

  • On Wednesday 2nd December, the current English national-lockdown comes to an end, being replaced by a three-Tier system, which will last until (at least February).
  • In Wales, new restrictions (which have not yet been finalised) will come into force from Friday, 4 December.
  • Scots now find themselves in Level 4 restrictions, which will remain in place for three weeks.
  • Northern Ireland has entered a new circuit breaker, which will cover the two-week period from November 27 until December 11

Team GxFF have considered the available information and have decided that decisions whether to perform an activity should be left to the judgement of the activator, with due consideration to the rules in force at their home and at the target reference, and in particular with regards any travel restrictions in place.

Team GxFF reiterate that this is not an encouragement to undertake any activity, and accept no liability for any consequences of any decision by an activator to perform an activation.

We will, of course, keep monitoring any changes in the Rules…

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