Since the beginning of 2019 we have started to maintain a Rating of RFF activators and hunters in the categories:
- individual activators by the number of RFF-references activated during the year;
- all over the World hunters by the number of RFF-references credited for the year;
- Russian hunters by the number of RFF-references credited for the year.
RFF Rating Rules:
1. The Ratings of RFF-activators and RFF-hunters are calculated on the base of approved logs, submitted by the RFF-activators to RFF log-manager. QSOs conducted since 00:00 UTC of January 01 and until 23:59 UTC of December 31 of the reviewed year are counted.
2. Any valid RFF references are counted for the Rating, regardless of whether they were already credited to activators and hunters in previous years or still not.
3. The activators rating considers only those references, where 44 or more QSOs were conducted by the activator in the reviewed year. Otherwise the reference is not taken into account in activator’s result for reviewed year.
4. RFF references are credited to hunters on the basis of QSO records in approved logs, submitted by activators, regardless of whether the RFF reference is credited to the activator or not (see Section 3).
5. TOP-10 activators and TOP-44 hunters charts are published on the website and updated as far as submitting and approving activators logs.
6. Activators logs are accepted for the Rating no later than January 5 of the year following the reviewed one.
7. The final results of the year are published on the website on January 15 of the year following the reviewed one.
8. Awarding:
- the best RFF-hunter and best RFF-activator of the year are awarded with commemorative prizes;
- RFF-hunters and RFF-activators, who took the II and III places, are awarded with commemorative certificates;
- russian RFF-hunters, who took I–III places, are awarded with commemorative certificates.
RFF national coordinator and log-manager are not nominee for awarding.
9. The Rules of RFF Rating may be changed in any their part during
the current year. The changes are published on the website in the Rules
and take effect:
— in terms of categories and awarding since the moment of publication depending on sponsoring;
— in other parts since the next year beginning.
“Russian Flora & Fauna”. activators and hunters Rating 2019

73 & 44! RFF Team