This coming weekend, an amateur radio expedition is expected to one of the most inaccessible and rarely visited places, the Putorana Plateau, Lost World, the land of waterfalls and 25,000 lakes, located to east of Norilsk city in the Russian Arctic in the northwest of the Central Siberian Plateau.

Putorana, Putoramo, Petaromi, Kutaramo and even Paiturama — the most unexplored mountain range in Russia has almost more names than the number of locals. This grandiose lost world seems to have collected all the incredible records.
Here is the geographical center of Russia and Russia’s Pole of Inaccessibility — the most remote from transport routes and hardest to reach point of our country. Winter here lasts eight months of the year, the temperature – as out plane’s board – minus 55 degrees, and there is no frost-free period at all. And in very short but juicy summer thousands of waterfalls thaw, including Talnikovy, the highest in Eurasia. Because of the hardest accessibility of these places to explore, geographers still do not agree on the exact height of the waterfall. According to various estimates, it ranges from 480 to 700 meters).
Team camp will be located on the south shore of Lama Lake, one of the largest and deepest lakes in Russia, ~140 km to east of Norilsk
QRV is planned on 20, 15 and 10 m bands only, CW, SSB and FT8, expedition call sign R0BI/p. Estimated QRV time is 17 UTC 15 July – 07 UTC 17 July.
Equipment: Expert Electronics SunSDR2 DX transceiver, PA Acom-1010, Robinson RR-33 beam antenna (bands 20, 15 and 10 m)
QSO with the expedition is valid for RFF-0077 — «Putoransky» State nature reserve. QSL via RW3RN

More about Putorana (in Russian)
More photos of the Putorana Plateau
Discussion of the expedition on the Russian amateur radio forum QRZ.RU (in Russian)
Originally posted at Russian Flora and Fauna website