Logsearch v1.00.07

A minor update to logsearch has just been released by the team, with the following updates:

  • New feature: WWFF Marathon
  • Add year 2025 to dropdown menus and reports
  • Add OHFF counties
  • Add new OHFF H-1500 award level


Any problems, or new feature requests, via the Report Issue Form please.

73 and 44.. from the Team and Happy Holidays!

Launching the WWFF 2025 Marathon


The World Wide Flora & Fauna (WWFF) program (https://wwff.co) is excited to launch a full-year Marathon for 2025. The purpose is to make as many QSOs as possible to/from WWFF nature reserves, activate as many of them globally as possible, and encourage radio amateurs to enjoy nature.

The Marathon rules have been published at https://wwff.co/marathon-rules/ and the automatically updating standings can be followed throughout the year at https://wwff.co/marathon-standings/. Among other things, the rules also list various awards and special events.

Participation is easy especially for those chasing WWFF activators from home, as there is no need to submit a log. Just turn on the radio and make QSOs!

As a central feature of the Marathon, its sponsor partners have very kindly agreed to provide a number of lottery prizes. Lottery tickets are accumulated simply by making QSOs, as specified further in the rules.

As another special Marathon feature, activators are encouraged to photograph the WWFF nature reserves they visit. Activators are also encouraged to upload their photos, for the enjoyment of the entire radio amateur community.

73 & 44 & HNY!

On behalf of the WWFF team,

Partners: We would like to warmly thank the prize sponsors of the WWFF 2025 Marathon:

New HBFF references

Hello dear WWFF Friends,
We are glad to announce the following new HBFF / WWFF References, valid from December 13, 2024.
HBFF-0651 to HBFF-0665.
Some have other awards references into them, so multiple awards activations are possible; these are listed in our Info Pages and maps.
The most part of this fine work has been made by our Staff Members Thomas HB9DRM and Bruno HB9CBR, thanks them!

Consult also our WWFF directory for details.

Season greetings to you All, and have a merry Christmas!
        73 44 51 de Augusto HB9TZA / I2JJR , n.c.

WWFF software development news


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Development of the core software for the WWFF award program started back in 2012 by Andrew M0YMA. Andrew has been keeping the application alive on his own all these years, for which we are grateful. 

With an ever growing user base and new ideas to improve the program, the time Andrew had available became a bottleneck. 

We are happy that other software developers stepped forward this year to help WWFF out and relieve Andrew. At the moment we have a team consisting of Hugo CT7AOV and Jouni OH3CUF with the IT support of Edwin PD0SOT that is already working on the software. Recently three more volunteers have stepped forward from VK to expand the IT development team further.

It is great to see these skilled people spend part of their spare time helping our program move forward. The new team has already implemented the first changes to the WWFF software with bug fixes and new award levels. 

There is an existing backlog of items the team is working on but we are also looking at ways to make it easy for users to propose changes that – if we find them valuable – will end up on the development backlog. Watch this space!

Logsearch v1.00.06


A minor update to logsearch has just been released by the team, with the following updates:

  • New activator award level WWFF-Points-844
  • Fix bug on reference notes field
  • added programs 7XFF, ERFF, EWFF, EXFF, HCFF, HKFF, SPFF, OAFF, PYFF, TAFF, VUFF and XEFF programs to the latest logs and logsearch pull down menu.
  • fix order of ZLFF award levels
  • New OHFF award levels for OHFF-A-1400 and OHFF-H-1400


Any problems, or new feature requests, via the Help Desk Forum please.

73 and 44.. from the Team and Happy Holidays!

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