Announcing the new KFF-States Award

I am pleased to announce that we have changed the name of the “USACFF” award to the “KFF-States” award. The name was changed because we wanted to have a “worked all states” type of award, but of course, the United States is not its own continent, and part of North America.

We are only opening up the first wave of 7 states worked first so that stations can claim the first award, and we will be opening up more states in the coming weeks in these waves: 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42 and finally, all 50 states. To claim the 7 state award, please visit Logsearch after you have registered, and click on the appropriate button to apply.

If you already have been granted a “USACFF” award, please go back to apply for the new KFF-States version. If you wish to retain your original serial (e.g. 001), I can issue it as (001P) to acknowledge the prototype.

Thanks, 73 and 44 … Jason – W3AAX

4SFF-0019 on the air … the story



Hi WWFF hunters,

We successfully installed the antennas 1000hrs UTC on the 10th and started dxing. The band condition was not good at all but because of the location the hf bands were very noisy free compared to our homes in the town so we were managed to work 650+ stations on 10 – 40M. although we had 80M and 160M antennas up we could not make any contact. As you can see from the photos it was mostly not dxing but having a good time with fellow hams!!
On the 12th night there was a mini cyclone in the area and there was a power cut due to a fallen tree, lo tof time was lost. We did not take a generator as generators are not allowed in the forest reserve.

73 44 4S6NCH (4S7RS) Nadika

New WWFF REF file for EQF-log

For those who are using EQF-log as logging software, OK2APY has compiled a new file with the WWFF references. Just uploading the file and you’re up-to-date !

If you’re interested to receive the new file please write to OK2APY, Alena : to request the file.

WWFF Logsearch – Assistance Request

A request for assistance!

Over the past year (or so), I’ve completely re-written WWFF Logsearch as a WordPress plugin, to integrate within this main WWFF.CO website. This has mostly been completed… however, the ToDo list (for completion, but especially for new features) remains quite long and I just do not have much spare time…

So I am looking for a suitable competent person (or persons) to help with further Logsearch development – or maybe to take it over completely?!

Skills required are:

  • WordPress development
    • Strong PHP
    • MySQL
    • CSS
    • Javascript
  • Site-security and data-protection are essential to maintain confidence in the program.

Note: this is not something for a “hobby hacker”!

If interested, please post a reply here (if logged in),  contact me via the Contact form, or email me (see  Please provide details of your skills, and how you can help!


For the avoidance of any doubt, Logsearch has been donated to WWFF by me (Andrew M0YMA), and is available to anyone else (as is, with no warranties or guarantees), under a GPL2 licence.

First PA44FF activity from Deelerwoud (PAFF-0055)


Busy activation from PAFF-0055, using the special call PA44FF.

I wrote about my experiences on my blog (see link). In short: 296 calls logged from 39 DXCC. 3 P2P. 99% EU but some DX including JA. 20m was quite okay for EU, 40m was one big contest QRM hell.

A couple of pictures of the set-up I used are included in the blog post

Continue reading>

Your activation story on the WWFF weblog ?

WWFF wants to publish more activation stories on the WWFF weblog.
You want your activation report on the frontpage of the web ?

1. Only activations that have been announced in the WWFF AGENDA wil be published
2. Send us some of your photos + a short text about your activation !

Mail to :

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