SVFF awards now in LogSearch

Our Greek SVFF friends have added their awards program to the WWFF LogSearch.

svff_logo_9Awards are available for the following levels :

  • SVFF-A:
    • Bronze (4 SVFF)
    • Silver (14 SVFF)
    • Gold (24 SVFF) and
    • HonourRoll (44 SVFF) activated.
  • SVFF-H:
    • Bronze (24 SVFF)
    • Silver (44 SVFF)
    • Gold (74 SVFF) and
    • HonourRoll (84 SVFF) worked.

Good hunting!

WWFF map



Pay some attention to the WWFF MAP ! OK2APY, Alena, is still working very hard to add the different references in all countries. Your help to add references or make corrections is much appreciated. Please contact Alena at

WWFF MAP offers you a clear view on the WWFF references in your area. Courtesy of the GMA group.

DP1POL from DLFF-0022 Antarctica

dp1pol_qslFelix, DL5XL, is staying now for another period in the German Neumayer III base on Antarctica. Towards WWFF this is counting as DLFF-0022.

Felix is during his spare time QRV as DP1POL. The good news is that he has now given full support to the WWFF program. His logs will be uploaded upon receive. Also the logs from his previous stays on Antarctica will be uploaded (DP1POL and DP0GVN)



ha6obToday top WWFF hunter HA6OB Gyula (8th place world wide) suddenly passed away.

Gyula will be remembered by many WWFF activators as a dedicated and well operating WWFF hunter.

Condolences from the WWFF council and community to his family, friends and HAFF. RIP HA6OB Gyula, you will be missed in the pile ups !


Add your upcoming activations directly in the WWFF AGENDA !

mnysFrom now on regular activators and coordinators can have the priveleges to add upcoming activations DIRECTLY into the WWFF AGENDA. (And not via the online fill in form)

If you are interested in doing this please write me an email ( and I will send you the tutorial with all details how to add activations.

73 44 Danny ON4VT aka OT4V

WWFF Global Rules Version 5.0

newrules7Our Globel rules V4.0 were drafted in March 2013. A lot was changed during the last three years. Therefore it was time to adapt these rules to our actual situation. Paul , VK5PAS was willing to do execute this task. We would like to express our appreciation for this comprehensive work.

The goal was, to keep the Global Rules as simple as possible. Some of the old rules needed clarification.

The 44 QSO level (for individual operator) already implemented in our logsearch is confirmed . Old rules like the 2 hour between activities and 2 hour duration of an activity are left out. This give the activator more flexibility in planning and execution of their activity.

We have now more than 30.000 references validated in our WWFF directory. This amount of references, already slows down our logsearch. Therefore we have leveled the grown of each National program to 200 additional references yearly.

We set the commencing date of the program November 2013 but we still accept old logs for uploading until 30th June 2008.

Next there are some consideration for the activators related to their safety and their responsibility to the nature.

These adapted Globel Rules are a good compromise between WWFF activities in different continents.

This new rules will be valid from 01 December 2016 on. 

Find the complete rules here as PDF file :  WWFF Global Rules 5.0

Please use the WWFF Forum if you have questions or clarification.

Chairman WWFF

2016 VKFF Activation Weekend


The 2016 VKFF Activation Weekend will be held on Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th November 2016.

The weekend is designed to promote the World Wide Flora Fauna program here in Australia.

A large number of Australian operators will be on air over this weekend, operating portable from various parks all across Australia.

If you do intend to activate a park on this weekend, please send an email to Paul VK5PAS at


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