Busted Calls in KR7RK @VEFF-0128 20170922

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Log Corrections Busted Calls in KR7RK @VEFF-0128 20170922


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    Knew it would happen sooner or later, but did not think it would happen this soon!
    I uploaded the log for KR7RK/VE3 activation of VEFF-0128 (Rouge National Urban Park) shortly after the activator emailed me the log. The following day, I receive a email from same activator stating that 2 log entries are wrong, with one hunter complaining that he is not in the log.

    The log with the issues is Log # 47262, KR7RK @VEFF-0128 20170922, containing 46 QSOs.

    QSO #4 shows IZ0STW (<QSO_DATE:8>20170922 <TIME_ON:4>1553 <BAND:3>20m)
    The correct call for QSO #4 should be IZ0HTW – NOT IZ0STW.

    QSO ##39 shows 9A2NO (<QSO_DATE:8>20170922 <TIME_ON:4>1719 <BAND:3>20m)
    The correct call for QSO #39 should be 9A3NM – NOT 9A2NO.

    I am sure “busted calls”, poorly hand written logs with wrong calls being input into logging program, etc., will happen again in the future. Tried to upload corrected log to logsearch with the possibility it would overwrite the original, but no luck. Is there anyway National Co-ordinators can access their uploaded logs to make corrections? IMHO – busted calls should stay busted calls and not be corrected … but that would not be fair for the hunter. If National Co-ordinators could do the log corrections, it would take unnecessary work off logsearch managers.

    Let me know when the above two log entries have been corrected so I can get the news back to the activator. TIA.

    73 & 44 from Dave, VA3RJ
    National Co-ordinator for VEFF – Canada


    I also do not understand why national managers can not replace the wrong log..

    73/44 Pavel OK1VEI
    OKFF Logmanager

    Andrew M0YMA

    When I have time to write it, I will provide a Log Edit (possibly a Log Replace) feature… in the meanwhile…

    The two entries have been corrected 🙂


    I can not say, that I would be bored… but sometimes I could help..

    73/44 PavelOK1VEI


    “When I have time to write it, I will provide a Log Edit (possibly a Log Replace) feature…” (M0YMA).

    Good idea. Excellent idea. We will solve a lot of problems ourselves.

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