**FF Logs: No more RST-Fields Request by a Top Activator:

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Award issues **FF Logs: No more RST-Fields Request by a Top Activator:

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  • #12536

    I received a message from a top HBFF Activator, writing he was at Friedrichshafen 2022 WWFF Meeting, spoke with some “WWFF-Verantwortlichen” and “Datenbankmanager” (who were them? unknown) that assured him that no Fields for RST are saved by WWFF.

    This is well known from years, see WWFF Rules.

    But then for this he means that logs to be submitted does not need to have the RST Fields, in spite of HBFF Rules.
    Now, from the beginning, HBFF requires the usual QSO log ADIF fields to be there, among them also RST, and in our case also my_sota_ref in case of mixed HBFF+SOTA Activation, for score issues. And, as usual, HBFF Rules superseed the WWFF Rules as per WWFF Rules themselves.
    He also sent a joined activation log having only the four WWFF required Fields, plus the P2P sig and my_sig .

    I will take his message as a proposal to change the HBFF Rules, in spite of the log he sent.

    But I have learned as a child-swl so many years ago that a QSO to be valid should have the RST exchange! So I think that if the Log is uploaded the NC that did it did also verify that these QSO were valid, so wwff does not need RST to check it oncemore.

    But how may the NC say that it’s OK if no RST is there? This even if we know of the 599 standard use of the exchange, imho not so correct but necessary somehow.

    Imho, the QSO needs to have the RST exchange to be a QSO. What the database do then is not relevant to this issue.

    Or not?

    Please let us know your Opinion on this matter.
    Thanks, 73 44 Augusto HB9TZA / I2JJR
    HBFF only manager and NC

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