Pse Delete: Wrong Log uploaded, sry!

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Log Corrections Pse Delete: Wrong Log uploaded, sry!

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  • #12117

    I’m sorry, but I did upload a log with right name but a wrong content. This is it:
    #00118964 2022-02-25 2022-02-23 HBFF-0259 HB9BCK/P 53 HB9CBR @ HBFF-0376 20220224.ADI
    Please delete it entirely, it’s fully wrong. I will upload after taht the right one.
    If you prefer, I may send to you the right log to be substituted to that; please let me know.
    I do not upload until you answer me.
    73 44, Augusto HB9TZA HBFF-NC

    Manfred Meier


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