question to hq WWFF

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  • #2325


    It is possible the existence two parallel programs of fauna and flora in one country, which will cooperating with WWFF ?


    Maciej SP1FM

    o widze ze jakis rozlam sie szykuje ….
    ale w jakim celu ???


    With all respect but my answer is NO, others may think different about that one …. ???? Discussion is open !

    73 44


    What is the purpose of the second program? What is the need? 73 44 W3AAX Jason


    I understand that the answer to my original question is “No” and I will not continue this topic.

    However, I wish to present my ideas here. They should not be interpreted as any criticism of any current programme, but rather as proposals of certain alternative solutions.

    The intentions of a new programme would be as follows:

    – to foster open, positive, realistic, and reliable co-operation with all, regardless of their views, locally and internationally
    – to open a new domestic discussion forum, available to all participants
    – to implement a new state-of-the-art domestic website containing current information, exclusively relating to FF
    – to start strong contacts with a nation-wide amateur-radio organization to exchange information and promote each other
    – to start contacts with the central government authorities responsible for the protected areas
    – using our technical knowledge and experience in field operations, as long-term FF activators, to develop contacts with the EmComm project managers
    – to implement democratic elections of the national coordinator every two years, from among Top Ten SP activators and hunters
    – to appoint independent Activity Checkers to verify and approve FF activations
    – to attract sponsors for awards representing higher quality than electronic certificates, or to implement trophies for fees, similarly to other programmes
    – based on our six-year experience, to adopt the rules that are more friendly, reasonable, and suitable for all those ready to participate in an FF Programme
    – to attract those FF activators and hunters who have been discouraged by previous activities and quit
    – to concentrate on regaining previous logs for the FF Programme
    – to organize and promote a national “Green Fest”

    vy73/44 Kris SP9UPK
    DXCC HR#1
    FF activator at 2195 day’s

    Andrew M0YMA

    Hi Kris… perhaps this is a topic to take up with WWFF Chairman and SPFF Coordinator by email, so perhaps the issues you highlight with SPFF can be resolved?


    The public forum is a form of expression in the subject do not post e-mail that remains unanswered. There is no chance for change. Topic is closed.

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