RE: Pse Delete: Wrong Log uploaded, sry!

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Log Corrections RE: Pse Delete: Wrong Log uploaded, sry!

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  • #12142

    Pse Manfred,
    May you please control that log content?
    It should not give it as uploaded, as I did not upload it .
    But it’s possible, as its content was misplaced in that erased HBFF-0259 Log that now I have rightly uploaded some minute ago.
    #00119092 2022-02-27 2022-02-23 HBFF-0259 HB9BCK/P 53 HB9BCK @ HBFF-0259 20220223.ADI

    The WWFF Upload error message:
    Log Upload
    Uploading: HB9CBR @ HBFF-0376 20220224.ADI
    … Reference: auto (auto)
    … Station: auto (auto)
    … Operator: auto (auto)
    [ERROR] Log ‘HB9CBR @ HBFF-0376 20220224.ADI’ already loaded

    Thank you very much, and sorry for the mess.

    Manfred Meier wrote:


    Post Link:

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by HB9TZA.

    Hello Manfred,
    I’m very sorry, but something is going wrong: after your message I tried again today to upload the right HBFF-0376 by HB9CBR, but it does not upload and gives this message:
    Log Upload
    Uploading: HB9CBR @ HBFF-0376 20220224.ADI
    … Reference: auto (auto)
    … Station: auto (auto)
    … Operator: auto (auto)
    [ERROR] Log ‘HB9CBR @ HBFF-0376 20220224.ADI’ already loaded
    just as it did before.

    I have already uploaded days ago the right HBFF-0259 after you erased? the wrong #00118964 2022-02-25 2022-02-23 HBFF-0259 HB9BCK/P 53 HB9CBR @ HBFF-0376 20220224.ADI as from my #post-12137 .
    This is the uploaded right log: #00119092 27/02/2022 23/02/2022 HBFF-0259 HB9BCK/P 53 HB9BCK @ HBFF-0259 20220223.ADI , I cannot check its content on WWFF now but it should be right.

    I will send you anyway, in case it may be useful to you, both logs by email. If not useful erase button may do its duty.

    Oncemore I apologize for this mess, and thank you very much for your intervention. Please let me know if I can be of some further help. 73 44
    Augusto HB9TZA


    HI Manfred,
    After checking for some Hunter by LogSearch, I was sure that no wrong data were there, so I’ve uploaded a copy of the HBFF-0376 log by HB9CBR and it worked.
    Now should all be OK and I hope this will not happen anymore.
    Many many thanks, and 73 44

    #00119950 2022-03-15 2022-02-24 HBFF-0376 HB9CBR/P 105 HB9CBR @ HBFF-0376 20220224-COPIA.ADI

    Manfred Meier

    of fine, will close this thread

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