Satellite Contacts

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  • #6535
    Bob (KA9JAC)

    Are contacts via Satellite allowed for WWFF?

    During the NPOTA program in the USA they were.

    It may be a good thing to allow these for WWFF also.


    They are allowed !

    Bob (KA9JAC)

    OK, Thanks.
    I could not find anything about it in the rules and some consider them repeaters which it says are not allowed.

    Is there a specific rule which says they are allowed?

    Nobi JA1JCF

    Hello Danny,

    Are contacts via satellite allowed in all EU WWFF members?
    We had been treating satellites as repeaters and had asked activators not to submit logs of satellite Qs.
    I found your comment in this thread and propsed to change our practice yesterday, but a couple of participants expresssed their negative opinions in the JAFF mailing list.

    Nobi. JA1JCF

    Andrew M0YMA

    Suggest this is taken to The Committee for a decision.

    Nobi JA1JCF


    Thanks Andrew for your comment, but as far as JAFF is concerned, it is not necessary now. It was found that those operators with negative opinions had misunderstood the question and agreed to permit contacts via satellites. I have uploaded one log containing satellite contacts already and am waiting one operator to submit his log of satellite contacts. Sorry for not informing you of the latest development in Japan.

    Nobi, JA1JCF.

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