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  • #8570

    “Green Kazakhstan” award.

    Hello friends,
    Not long ago We (UNFF) received a letter:

    “Hello, I got requests from several stations who didnt get UNFF-award, some of them since years.
    Is there a problem or shall we put the award on hold?
    73, Manfred DF6EX

    No. We have no problems. All certificates are ready within 14 days. Max 21 days.
    Problems are more “political” than technical.
    Upon receipt of an application and verification. I’m sending information through our server in Kazakhstan.

    Repeatedly in Europe and not only. Information from our server goes to SPAM.

    A year ago, I posted here for information how to check and download their certificates from our server http://www.unff.kz

    For everyone who sent an application for the diploma and has not received a response.
    How to download your diploma “Green Kazakhstan”.

    If You have any questions or diplomas You than unhappy. Please write me an email: un6qc@yandex.ru or sp5rmd@gmail.com
    a copy can send to Victor un6git@mail.ru
    All emails, always respond.
    Why write WWFF-vice-chairman???

    Pictures – https://www.facebook.com/artur.zak.378
    and http://unff.kz/page.php?page_id=7&lang=1

    Vy 73 &44! Artur MI0HYQ ex UN6QC
    Award manager “Green Kazakhstan”.
    Member of UP44WFF – “Traveling Radio Amateurs Group”
    Web: http://unff.kz/

    Luk ON4BB

    All awards request are now approved by Arthur UN6QC, nationale coordinator UN program.
    To get your requested award go to : https://www.unff.kz/page.php?page_id=7&lang=1

    Next enter your call in the download window.
    click ok and proceed to download your award.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Luk ON4BB.
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