OZFF Spring Hunt 2022

On saturday the 12th. of march the OZFF Group would like to invite all WWFF Hunters to participate in the OZFF Spring Hunt 2022.

The event will start at local sunrise 05:38 utc and finish at sunset  17:11 utc.

Stations that work 5 or more ozff areas during the event can appply for an award, see www.ozff.dk after the event has finished.

Activators can activate more than one OZFF area through out the day. An activator list can be found at : http://ozff.oz7aei.dk/2022/01/16/ozff-spring-hunt-2022-activatorlist/

At this time 14-15 OZFF areas are planned but i am sure more areas will be activated. The list will be updated before the event.

Hope to see You all in the logs 

Vy 73 de OZ7AEI / Jakob

Get Your Park ON! Spring Fling

Get your Park ON! Spring Fling, will occur March 19-20, 2021 in celebration the advent of Spring. The event is open to all WWFF Activators and Hunters and is sponsored by the U.S. (KFF) affiliate of World Wide Flora and Fauna (WWFF).

The GYPO Spring Fling will be an International event inviting all Activators through the world to participate. Hunters everywhere are invited to search out and contact Activators everywhere, making this truly a worldwide, DX event.

This event will include Get Your Park ON! Spring Fling Special Event Stations (GYPO SES). These stations will be active from KFF parks throughout the week operating with 1×1 callsigns, e.g., N5G. Hunters are encouraged to work as many of these Special Event Stations as possible, with special recognition given to those working five or more.

A complete list of the Special Event Stations will be provided at the start of GYPO Spring Fling. Their operating plans and schedules will be posted on their individual QRZ pages.

More info at: https://wwffkff.wordpress.com/get-your-park-on-spring-fling/


In April 2022, we will be holding the WEEK IN PARKS IN AMERICA event and we would like to count on your support and that of all the Coordinators in the different countries in dissemination and participation, especially in the countries of the Americas.

More information on this project is available on this link

Ronaldo Val
Coordinator WWFF Brazil.

Parks in the Americas Week – Flora and Fauna Expeditions – April/2022

Project Presentation: PARKS IN THE AMERICAS WEEK

The WWFF program wants to draw attention to the importance of protecting nature, flora and fauna. In this spirit, radio amateur operators set up and operate their radio stations from designated natural parks and protected natural areas – generating attention to these areas, while giving the community the opportunity to learn about our activities aimed at preserving the environment. WWFF is an international, non-commercial program run by national coordinators for a
large number of national flora and fauna programs.

PARKS IN THE AMERICAS WEEK deals with the dissemination of the presence of Radio Amateurs in PARKS AND OTHER NATURAL PRESERVATION AREA IN THE AMERICAN CONTINENT with the purpose of spreading, through Amateur Radio, the conservation of the environment to the national and international amateur radio community through bilateral contacts and SWL, CW , satellite, digital modes and other forms of contacts made by Amateur Radio operators
This type of contact is part of the International Awards Program – WWFF, for contacts and SWL on all amateur bands and all operational modes. The stations contacted will be radio amateur stations operating in accordance with national and international legislation, in the authorized bands.

The realization of this non-profit event, without any personal, religious and or political-ideological objectives, aims to install a portable structure of at least one radio amateur station on a temporary basis in Nature Preservation Areas, operated by a group of radio qualified amateurs and the corresponding infrastructure, made up of antenna
systems (portable mounted – without changes to the physical environment), radio and power supply during the event, thus enabling contacts with all the national and international community of radio amateurs and SWL. The activation group will be responsible for the environmental preservation of the site, as well as the removal of any object at the end of the activation and is obliged to follow any and all norms related to the conservation of the area.

The objective of this project is to seek partnership for its execution as a participant or logistical support with organizations that recognize the work of environmental awareness work at national and international level.

The event We invite Radio Amateur Operators and Radio Amateur Groups to participate in the event PARKS IN THE AMERICAS WEEK, based on the expeditionary activity in Flora and Fauna Conservation Units carried out by the WWFF Program – World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio (www.wwff.co). The event “PARKS IN THE AMERICAS” aimed at
stimulating the installation of portable stations in Parks and Conversation Units in the Americas. The list of parks in the different countries is cataloged on the website ( www.wwff.co/ directory) and there may be additional records available with the WWFF Coordinator of the desired country.

The event will take place from 00:00h UTC of April 3th, 2022 to 21:00h UTC of April 10th
Organization: WWFF Brasil – by PS8RV, Brazilian National Coordinator.
Reference site:

Contact Modes:
The activity aims to install temporary communication equipment (antennas, cables, radios and accessories) during the period of the activity and operate in CW, SSB, FM and FT8 modes
The existing awards rules for Park Activators and Hunters will apply to the WWFF Program (www.wwff.co) and the Coordination of the event in www.radioexpedicao.com

Ecological awareness in these activities is of great and vital importance in order not to harm the preserved ecosystem and the performance of the event will have an enormous impact on the dissemination of Amateur Radio in the American Continent through the efforts of Amateur Radio Operators and Amateur Radio Groups.
Ronaldo Borges do Val,
PS8RV, the Expeditionary PYFF-WWFF Brazil Project
E-Mail: ronaldobval@gmail.com

WWFF rules update



Two years after the last update we have updated some of the WWFF rules to version 5.5. The main reason for the update being clarification of existing rules. The changes are documented in the release history at the start of the document.

Two clarifications are worth noting here:

  • For historical reasons the WWFF rules have a facility to allow pre-existing national programs to demand stricter activation rules than the global activation rules – in most cases where this applies the national program demands more than 44 QSOs and a certain minimum activation duration. As these stricter rules would need to be met for a log to end up at WWFF, the exception was added to the WWFF rules as rule 2.1.
    The way this rule was documented at the time has lead to confusion recently with some reading a much larger scope into this rule. To stop this confusion the rule has been reverbalised with the original scope in mind.
  • Running a rewarding program for all, the quality of the logs is an important variable. We expect and have always expected the logger (activator) himself and the log manager as his back-up to make sure the logs are as correct as they can be. Over the years however there are still a lot of requests for log corrections. Some of the major errors we come across should really have been filtered out by the activator and log manager (like wrong reference or wrong operator specified), other smaller errors like a wrong chaser call can and will happen from time to time. They might be the result of a typo or a callsign that was misheard (in which case there was no QSO). These kinds of errors we consider an “occupational hazard” for a chaser – not something to correct after a log is processed. A submitted log is final (6.3, 7.2).

The updated rules can be found here.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2022

Lake Zelenci can be discovered just behind the village of Podkoren on the south side of the main road. Many interesting plant species, including carnivorous sundews, have found a home in this nature reserve, and amphibians and nesting birds are richly represented among animals.
It lies on the northern edge of the Triglav National Park, in the south it is surrounded by the forested Vitranc, and in the north by Karavanke. The swamp with the Drni marsh is about 1,200 meters long, 150 meters wide on average, about 200 meters in the widest part, and about twenty in the narrowest part. In the extreme western part of the swamp is an emerald green lake, from which extremely clean and cold springs boil trough a layer of lake chalk, which gives the water its characteristic blue-green color. Due to its color, the lake with the swamp was named Zelenci. Zelenci do not freeze in winter, their constant temperature throughout the year is about 6 ° C. In 1992, Zelenci and its surroundings were declared a nature reserve by a decree of the municipality of Jesenice.
You can walk to the lake and the swampy surroundings on a special wooden footbridge without harming nature.
An unforgettable green experience. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyOOdm2AUIU&ab_channel=KranjskaGora
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