Ham Spirit, Trust and Operations

A reminder to all operators (both activators and hunters) that at the heart of WWFF is trust.


Activators are reminded that they should only log completed QSOs, and a valid QSO requires a radio-to-radio contact to be made, without the use of repeaters or other aids.

Furthermore all equipment must be within the boundary of the reference.  This equally applies for those claiming to be “resident” and claiming Park-To-Park.


Hunters are likewise reminded that they should only use callsigns that they are licenced to use… this includes (but is not limited to):

  • Their own personal callsign, or
  • A club callsign that they are entitled to use, or
  • A special event callsign, as part of the special event.

QSOs must not be made using callsigns that the operator is not entitled to use… this includes (but is not limited to):

  • The callsign of a partner, parent or child
  • The callsign of a neighbour
  • The callsign of a friend

Fake QSOs in Logs

The integrity of the WWFF program is based on trust. Trust that activators perform their operations in accordance with the Rules, without too much oversight.

Sometimes, however, that trust is misplaced… and where our attention is drawn to questionable behaviour, Team WWFF will take action, including retrospective invalidation of activities.

For some time, we have been monitoring the logs of a number of activators, where activities were being submitted with the same collection of chasers – but excluding any of the recognised Top Hunters, and with no evidence of the activation having taken place (no photos, no cluster spots etc).

The logs contained entries for Hunters that met the following criteria:

  • Hunter has multiple hunter QSOs, but with only a small number of Activators
  • Over 95% of hunter QSOs are with an Activator who is under investigation
  • Hunter has no QRZ page, or no content on a blank QRZ page
  • Hunter is not registered on WWFF.CO

I have, this morning flagged as suspicious 63 Hunter Callsigns, representing over 13,000 QSOs, claimed by two Activators (including when operating using known Club callsigns)… a further number of Hunter Callsigns claimed by those Activators are being reviewed; a number of other Activators are also under investigation.

I do not believe any genuine Hunters will be impacted by this – but anyone who unexpectedly finds a red triangle icon on the QSOs tab, should contact me.

Note: a small number (less than 100 in total) of QSOs attributed to other Activators have also been flagged… the expectation is that these are simply busted callsigns that have been incorrectly logged.

Given that the only person that these Activators are cheating are themselves, I do not understand this behaviour.

Edit to add (2021-12-07 17:18utc)

Updated figures: 17,729 QSOs from 88 “hunters” for the 2 activating operators (using their own calls plus club stations).

Activations 5B by 5B4AIX

Just to remind I go out every Tuesday Activating 5BFF-0002 , and in between to to go out and activate 5BFF-0003 when possible. Hope this helps with achieving the 3/5 area award scheme.. Good hunting .Activating 73/44..Noz 5B4AIX- Activator/Awards manager..

S5FF Slovenia offical start  of program 30.10.2021

S5FF Slovenia offical start  of program 30.10.2021

The S5FF team proudly announces that the national Flora Fauna program in Slovenia has been prepared ,officially set up and launched starting ufficialy on 30.october 2021.

Till now over 178 references of protected areas and parks were registered and has been assigned to their S5FF reference number.

S5FF team is set and operative. We plan major activites on referencies activation first full weekend in november to elebrate start  of national program in S5. Agenda will be followed out with posts to seek specific 5FF references and activitvations.   

The intention is to activating as much different S5FF referencies to celebate and promote S5FF Slovenia and WWFF program.

Thanks for support and hpope to sear you from our common shack… “Nature “ !!!

73 & 44  

S55G  Mike

S5FF Coordinator

GYPO ESW Achievement Certificates

A Get Your Park ON! Celebrating Earth Science Week special achievement certificate will be available for all Hunters working at least 25 different WWFF References and to Activators with successful activations (44 QSOs) from at least 7 different WWFF References. And as is normally permitted, multiple visits can be made to reach 44 QSOs for a successful activation. This is for QSO made October 9-17, 2021.


  1. Increments of 25 references worked (50, 75, 100, etc.)
  2. Increments of 7 references activated (14, 21, etc)
  3. Special Event Stations, working 10
  4. Special Event Station Clean Sweep: 12

Request a certificate by email to n9mm@arrl.net

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