Hunter-Activator badge









For those who are active in the  WWFF program, we can make you a custom made badge (PNG-file) with your call and WWFF logo. Nice to put on your web or QRZ page etc … Show the world you are a WWFF fan !

Drop a mail with your call and choice (hunter, activator or both) to



First activation 2017 by ON5SWA/P

They said it would be could and it was cold the morning of 6th january.
Before leaving the house I had to use salt because there were very slippery frozen spots  on the ground. The area ONFF-0529 is not far from my house, about 20 minutes drive.
I found a nice spot were I could strech the legs from the inverted V antenna (19.7m left and 19.7m right) The difficult part was the frozen ground, but I managed to get the pickets in the ground.
After checking the antenne, I saw that SWR was too high. The antennawire has 8 connections, the 7th connection I inspected was the bad one.
It took a little longer to fix the connection with cold fingers (I cannot work with gloves and a screwdriver hi). Continue reading

KFF-1194 by KM6G STORY


It was a cold morning for us, 41°. We scraped the frost off the windshield and headed out at 0830PT
We got to Fisk Mill Cove shortly after 0900 and were calling CQ by 0950. My Elmer, KE6WC, spotted me and I know that’s how I got the 3 out of state contacts on 20. Thanks, Ken! There was a lot of noise on 20. I was able to hear 2 local stations and 1 each from CO, KS and TX. Guess who the one from Texas was? John, AE5B! Thanks, John, it was great to talk with you! You all know how active John has been for WWFF and NPOTA.

It was pretty slow so I had plenty of time to look around while calling CQ. I saw rainbows reflected off grass as the frost melted, ferns at the edge of the pine trees, acorn woodpeckers flying from pine tree to pine tree (someone needs to tell them acorns are in oak trees!) and several small birds that flitted so fast I couldn’t identify them. I had a filtered view of the ocean but I didn’t see any whales today. Often we do this time of year so I’ll be looking next time we’re there. Continue reading

WWFF Reference Activation Statistics

Announcing the third update in three days, I am pleased to advise that the Reference Activation Statistics are now available in “new” Logsearch.

Note: the All-Programs/All-Time report lists 13,249 activated references, and as such is quite slow to load… and at 7MB is quite a bandwidth consumer, so I may remove this one!

Some improvements in layout will follow, as will the inclusion of the Unactivated report.

WWFF Top Operators

I am pleased to report that, after much deliberation and experimentation, we have overcome the problems that have prevented the reliable generation of the Top Operator pages.

As such, these should now again be generated overnight (UTC).

Thanks to Manfred DF6EX for his assistance!

Note: the results do not (at present) differentiate between single-operator and club-stations.  I hope to resolve this in due course.

As before, these are intended to be indicative, and are not intended to be definitive – they work by aggregating the OPERATOR and HUNTER fields within logs… so activators, when using a club- or special-event callsign, please remember to correctly populate the OPERATOR field!

ONFF activator Award winners 2016

Winner in the Single operator category is Danny OT4V/p , realising 10787 QSOs in 55 activations.







Winner in Multi operator category is ON4WRC/p operators ON4ON (Danny) & ON5SY (Harvey) & ON7PO (Eddy)

In the single caterory first 10 receives an award, were in the Multi category first 5 receives an award.



Our last activation for the trip up to the Mid North was to be on Monday 2nd January 2017, at the Red Banks Conservation Park VKFF-1086 and 5CP-195.  The park is located about 181 km north of Adelaide and about 18 km west of Burra.  This was to be another unique park for both Marija and I for the World Wide Flora Fauna (WWFF) program and the VK5 National & Conservation Parks Award.

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