OHFF-0018 activation from Lapland


The first ”Nordic Joint Activation” OHFF-0018

Idea for ”joint activation” was born with Anders, SA2CLU and me late autumn 2017. Just needed to find good place and some extra free time. Best time was New Year holidays – who want to wait summer?

We met in Ylläsjärvi willage, as located on south side of Pallas-Yllästunturi National park, on midday and had quick and light lunch. Temperature was mild, -4C. Fast packing to Anders 4×4 pickup and on the road. I was reading map. We drove about 1 hour to north, Kolvanrova area. There would be nice place to mobile station. As we arrived to place we noticed that there are 70cm to 1 metre snow. No needed any stands for fishing poles, just stick them to snow. We used Icom IC-7200 with 30Ah acid lead battery. Antenna was linked dipole to 20m and 40m, about 10m high. Continue reading

HNY from Logsearch

Happy New Year from M0YMA

To get the new year underway, the following updates have been launched this morning:

  • Logsearch
    • All remaining problems with the Park-To-Park award are now resolved (I think!)
  • Directory
    • The addition of a further 24 SPFF entities
    • The addition of a further 33 KFF references (all from Michigan)
    • The addition of a further 15 SPFF entities
    • The addition of a further 91 SPFF entities
    • The addition of a further 2 URFF entities
    • A number of other edits and revisions

Good hunting…

How to use LogSearch and apply for Awards

A lot of newbies are entering the WWFF program. Of course, a big welcome to all of you.

You can gain dozens of colorful awards in the WWFF program, divided over GLOBAL, CONTINENTAL, NATIONAL, and SPECIAL AWARDS.

LogSearch is the heart of WWFF, and also the place to get your well deserved awards ! Please read about how to apply for awards via LogSearch here : LogSearch Tutorial 

KFF-1170 by KM6G on New Years Day


I had a fun time activating here. I sat down and started calling CQ and the first person to pop in was K7CAR, Kent! We chatted a bit about KFF/POTA and he’s going to think about joining. He must have called N7SMT, because David stopped by shortly after. It was great to have 2 people I’d chased come by for a visit! Thanks for spotting me too! I got several folks asking if this was a continuation of NPOTA and I explained about POTA and WWFF and sent them to our web page. One was very happy I was there and will get signed up and chase WWFF this year. He did a healthy 400+ NPOTA chases last year. Continue reading

Traveling Amateur Radio Group UP44WFF


A short photo report from amazing Kazakhstan !

Used equipment:
Kenwood TS-2000 + ACOM 1010, Ant .: Inv. Vee 40-10m.
UNFF-0069 Issyk state arboretum.
UNFF-0001 State National Natural Park “Altyn-Emel”.
UNFF-0010 Aksu-Zhabagly nature reserve.

Detailed photo reports can be viewed on our website http://www.unff.kz

TNX to UN6QC Artur (UNFF coordinator) for sharing.

OZFF New Years Hunt 2017


On Sunday January 8th OZFF Group would like to invite all WWFF Hunters and OZFF Activators to OZFF New Years Hunt 2017.
The Event starts at 12:00 UTC and ends 14:00 UTC.
Activators have to stay in an OZFF area and will get 1 point for every QSO. Each Hunter-station may be worked one time pr. Band / Mode.
Hunters who have worked 3 different OZFF areas or more can apply for an special Award at www.ozff.dk
We hope / believe that 5-6 stations, perhaps more, will be on the air from different OZFF areas. Deadline for registration is at January 1st. Before the start a list of active stations / OZFF areas will be public.
This event is mainly to have some fun, but also to promote Flora Fauna in Denmark. We hope to have 1-2 “First time” Activators on the air.
If this become a succes, We will do it soon again 

Merry X-mas and HNY 2017 for everybody
See You on the air January 8th
Vy 73 de OZ7AEI / Jakob

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