It’s important that once registered you complete your PROFILE correctly.
If not your statistics and awards will not show up in the WWFF LogSearch option
How and what to fill in is displayed in the following tutorial. Continue reading
09 Wednesday Nov 2016
Posted Logsearch, Tutorials, WWFF board news
in≈ Comments Off on How to complete your WWFF PROFILE
It’s important that once registered you complete your PROFILE correctly.
If not your statistics and awards will not show up in the WWFF LogSearch option
How and what to fill in is displayed in the following tutorial. Continue reading
31 Monday Oct 2016
Posted Divisions, WWFF board news
inWe like to welcome ERFF Moldova in the National WWFF programs.
Sergey, ER3GS, is the new country coordinator. A website is under construction at ERFF web
29 Saturday Oct 2016
Posted Awards
in≈ Comments Off on 5BFF award program launched
5BFF is happy to announce their award program. At the moment only the award for 3 5BFF references confirmed is active. The confirmed all 5BFF (5 references) will be active soon. Award only available via WWFF Logsearch. Award manager (and 5BFF coordinator) is Noz 5B4AIX.
28 Friday Oct 2016
Hi WWFF’ers
This is Bill Horner, VK4FW. Over the years I have operated from within parks especially IOTA and DXCC. I have started the massive task of converting paper logs to PC which is a huge job when you consider there are almost 300k of qsos. It will take years to complete so if you worked me from any I would request you send me valid qso details and I will just upload only those received.
Callsigns include : VK9LD 1992, VK9MM 1993, VK9XO 1993, VK9WM and VK9WY 1997, VK9LA 2004 and VK9CT 1996. I will work on IOTA next when I dig up all logs and dates.
Mail list of your QSO’s to :
73 44 Bill VK4FW
21 Friday Oct 2016
Updated 2017-01-04 – this has now been resolved!
To respond to the (what seems like) near constant barrage of requests for Top Operators…
I’m having major issues persuading the WordPress installation on this site to run a scheduled task to update the Top Operators data… this means it is not yet active. Unfortunately, the problem is not encountered on my test server…
The Top Operators page will be active and populated as soon as I can work out the problem, but in the interim, please do not keep asking!
PS: Park-To-Park confirmations are in the same position
17 Monday Oct 2016
Posted Changes, WWFF board news
inThe new WWFF FORUM is enabled (> FORUM)
Let us hear about you, your ideas, your remarks, your … ??? Also the WWFF HelpDesk is integrated in the FORUM. So if facing any issues please write it down in a FORUM Topic.
Beware : only registered users can add a topic to the FORUM.
10 Monday Oct 2016
Posted WWFF board news
inAn often heard question ! WWFF’ers always end a QSO with “44” ….
The first four (4) stands for the four wind directions : North, East, South and West
The second four (4) stands for the four elements : Earth, Water, Air and Fire.
From now on you will never loose that bet again !