Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHi Cris
I think all could be OK if Andrew restore the “club” station TOP,
in main results page. Then it can be use different call for club station, with out the benefit of operators!
Pit, YO3JW
YOFF CoordinatorPit YO3JW
ParticipantHi Dragan
May I ask for silver award directly to you until some one will reply to your question?
Also for bronze as activator?
ParticipantHi Kris
AS the program is made now it not permit to use special call for club station and count for results for main call.
Ask Andrew if he can make change in program that it recognize special call for club stations results(main + special call)
As program work now it can permit only personal call to club station!
PitPit YO3JW
ParticipantHi John
Last days we had a meeting of YOFF activators/hunters and taken decision to propose YO3LW as YOFF upload manager for next period
He was accepted by community.
Next year YOFF will celebrate 10 years of activity with a special award during 2019. Info will show up later…
Now you can saw that all logs from past was uploaded in system.
Hope it help you!
YO3JW, Pit
YOFF coordinatorPit YO3JW
Participant“Do not submit comments that are unlawful, harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually orientated or racially offensive.” info from M0YMA
Hi John
You and me now are a simple participant in WWFF
Until my step away I was an active participant with many comments about what and how it is in WWFF.John, please check again the YOFF in “National awards”
There no any link to our site of YOFF, even no way to the “legal” coordinator for YOFF.
I hope the so banned YOFF will come back in the big family of WWFF. But it depends by some people who can take decision.About YOFF awards. The WRFF is possible via I will be happy to prepare the award for you.
Also you can find many info in YOFF site
73 Pit YOFF CoordinatorPit YO3JW
Participant“Do not submit comments that are unlawful, harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually orientated or racially offensive.”info from M0YMA
Hi John
After my step away from WWFF Award Manager position, about 7 month ago, the team of coordinating WWFF(the person who have “keys” in site decided to take away the YOFF from WWFF.
See where YOFF is without any info about !
I got messages that “they” do not trust me! As more than 5 years I contributed hardly to WWFF, now they think that in YOFF need an other coordinator who take the job. I got also messages to stop any comments, if not, they will delete me from any connection to WWFF!
As I know each national team have their rules and they take decision who represent them. As long no new one for YOFF the team of WWFF can’t take their decision to change the representative of any national team.
That the rules! May I am wrong???
Decision is take, in my opinion, by only few persons
In this way you can’t get any of YOFF and WRFF awards now.
So please ask the WWFF team why it happens!(DF6EX and M0YMA)
Sorry Luk, that address is valid for countries where no coordinators! YOFF have coordinator! also site at
Gus sent directly the log, without any approval from YOFF!
I don’t know if he was in YO! Sorry.
YOFF coordinatorPit YO3JW
In mod normal diplomele se elibereaza in momentul cand se face cererea. In anumite conditii se poate obtine si alte gradatii ale diplomelor din perioade anterioare. Acest lucru este stabilit de managerii diplomelor respective.
Pentru diplomele YOFF poti consulta
ParticipantPit <>
Hi Vit
Hope it is OK for you.
that is your email address?(from site!)
Did you check it before your comment?
Sorry, I can’t upload file here…..Pit YO3JW
ParticipantHi Andrew
is any possibility to take all references!
Now only 50, 100…500. May add “ALL”
it is helpful toll to see if I am worked before.
When it is only part of list. the Ctrl F check only that portion from screen.
Thank you!
ParticipantHi Bill
I agree that you disagree!
All other your words is simply a way to present your personal opinion!
Merry Christmas!
WWFF is a program. The fact that someone is trying to turn into an organizational form like a company with a certain leadership, after my humble opinion was not a good one. I’ve written about this. I will not repeat it again!
As long as WWFf rules are met, all are OK.
Not for nothing, I have shown that in 2017 a number of changes have been made at the request of some participants.
Look into
It is said that it is not beneficial to change the rules. I consider that today’s ones are good enough and correspond to the purpose of WWFF.
As for leadership. And I repeat! For the daily participant, the basic criterion is compliance with the rules.
I think the over 4000 participants are not so much interested in the management abnormalities, especially as they are not known. At least it was so consented in the “constitution”. But I see you are well informed! I guess it’s not from the talks with me!
As for Andrew! You know I’ll always put it on the pedestal. Because of his work WWFF has reached what he is today. If this is overlooked, or it is an ignorance, or a mischief! Sorry, but I can not interpret it altogether!
If someone really wants to help, and again I repeat, is to create program lines that can be added to Logsearch. If desired! I hope this is the end of the discussion …
Each of us has our own opinions!
For example, you think that international diplomas can not be issued from national teams. I think it is possible! And what’s the problem?
What bothers me is that people do not think! They go to Logsearch, click, click, click and the diploma application leaves … If you have to do some searches in the Logsearch, they are lost and they do not do it anymore. Here is a method of brainwashing and people no longer want to create, just click, click, click, click.
We start to be a “clickman”!
Then they come that they can not get anything!
I regret the fact that you made the decision not to participate in WWFF, but that decision belongs to you, it is yours! It’s not a WWFF decision!Of course, improvements can be made. For this, however, it is necessary to respect the WWFF rules and not to modify them according to the preference of each. And for this it takes the voluntary involvement of as many as possible. I hope we are not all retired! Family, job(s) and other daily obligations have priority.
There’s still a little, Christmas is coming!
I am glad to be able to express our opinions. If, as a result of this controversy, something tangible will result, I will be the first to applaud!
So about Andrew. I keep my opinion. I’m not repeating it again. Whoever wants to read in the previous passages
I think any help is welcome! It would be desirable for those who would like or want to help come and create program segments to be implemented in Logsearch. So far, I have never seen anything like this.
This is how I see the help someoneI offer!
Probably I have to remind that in the Rules, in 2017, there were substantial changes to the suggestion of teams that joined the WWFF.
Personally, I think those who participate in WWFF’s activities must to follow Rules. The Committee can and must make decisions under new conditions. One of these is, for example, appearance of FT8 mode.
It will be implemented in the near future.
I can also repeat myself, pointing out that the 44 DXFF award idea was taken from you. That it is launched by YOFF, and not by WWFF, is less important.
What I can write is that “not everything flies can be eat!” , is a Romanian saying. It’s not always easy to turn into what we want.
I hope you, Bill, join to the WWFF enthusiasts. At some point I even asked VK5PAS, Paul, why he does not appeal to you. I do not have an answer yet.
I do not know what past experiences made you so acidic! I’m glad I had QSO in the band. Hope to meet …
Merry Christmas!
ParticipantDear friend Bill
I’ll try to be short
1. The fact that Andrew donated the WWFF program does not mean that others take over the “database”!
2. I did not write what to do! I just noticed you did not activate from those protected areas you were in.
Myself have not resisted having to have the station and try at least a few QSOs
3. I’ve commented and maintained that WWFF is governed by RULES, and les by persons. As long you accept it, you are welcome.I know that it is very easy to criticize. It’s harder to do the job.
Merry Christmas !
Pit YO3JW-
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by
Pit YO3JW.
ParticipantHi Bill
Some time ago I had the pleasure of changing some message. Meanwhile your proposal for the 24 DXFF diploma has materialized and has already been released for requests from two continents.
I’m trying to understand what you wrote!
I’m trying to understand what the link is between P2P and WWFF’s genitive activity. I’m afraid that here, you probably mean that there are two digits in the WWFF and they do not “sigh”! This diploma was proposed and implemented at some point. The requirement that the diploma can be obtained is that both correspondents send the references, both to their own and to the correspondent. If they are not both or not all logged in, it’s normal to have the difference between the two digits. What’s wrong with this?
Regarding the involvement of other teams in the WWFF activity
It seems to me that here is trying to accredit the idea that WWFF is made in the EU.
This is true! After reorganizing in 2012, this is a creation of the EU’s teams.
We enjoyed the participation of VKFF under Paul’s co-ordination, which got involved with notable results.
WWFF has rules!
After me, WWFF is not organized as a commercial company with the management of an owner or a designated boss.
After the humble opinion, the fact that a year ago passed from the rules to the constitution, was a move that created the possibility to lead by votes. So far, everything seems democratic. When deciding on the top of what is good to talk about and what not, the Democrats took a strange slope.
Come back to other teams. These teams are welcome as long as the rules of the game are respected. When trying (and tried!) to change it already we have to do with take-over intentions. The changes were requested on behalf of the participants who asked to make their own changes to the submitted logs, If Andrew does not make it instant, they are starting the problems. Instead of attracting the attention of the negligent, there is pressure against Andrew
It is true that in some situations there have been some problems, but the need to show some of those who lead that they get involved, some benchmarks of good coexistence have been overcome. Which inevitably led to divergences.
WWFF is not a divine leadership. It is coordinated by people like you or anyone else.
I’ve even compared the case with someone going into your house and then starting to reorganize everything in that house!
I personally handle a series of WWFF diplomas. I have some things that bother me, I hope it can be solved.
Regarding the fact that Andrew, who was the “father” of the Logsearch program, was offended, I find a lack of politeness on their part. Frankly, if I was in his place and knew they wanted to get the database to create a parallel management system from elsewhere, I did not even agree to give them access!
The fact that in the past two months you have visited 55 protected areas without making any QSO makes me think that you are not quite so embraced in WWFF!
As winter holidays knock on the door, it would be preferable to a more mild attitude and much understanding.
WWFF is not mine, it’s not yours, it’s ours! We all enjoy it!
Merry Christmas!
If some wrong is in English, it was made with google translator!Pit YO3JW
Award manager -
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by