Andrew M0YMA

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  • in reply to: WARD-H is not counting QSOs #4760
    Andrew M0YMA

    Ummm… will look

    in reply to: no QSO-time in QSO-list #4759
    Andrew M0YMA

    This is by design.

    It is to comply with requests from major Dxpeditions and to prevent the logs being used to scrape QSOs (for SWL purposes and/or fake QSLs)

    in reply to: P2P Not confirming #4758
    Andrew M0YMA

    A P2P will confirm if the QSO is +/- 5 minutes…

    There is a problem where the two times are either side of midnight UTC… as the date then doesn’t match. I’ll try and fix that…

    Adrian: the file you sent me had 148 entries with a claimed P2P, of which 12 were not confirmed. A quick scan shows garbage-in/garbage-out to be the cause.

    Logsearch makes an educated guess if one log specifies HH::MM:SS and the other 00:HH:MM (or even 00:00:00) but logs with 00:00:HH take a bit of guessing… as an observation EVERY ONE of your logs has incorrect time information.

    But of course, this is still MY FAULT that your P2Ps are not confirming?!

    in reply to: KFF parks from 3/23/17? #4737
    Andrew M0YMA

    Done… and backdated to 2017-04-01 ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Club Disadvantage #4736
    Andrew M0YMA

    As an occasional (solo) operator of club-call MX0WFF I have mixed views… many of my ‘club’ activations are valid for me as the op, but not the club.

    I guess it boils down to what we consider ‘club’ activations to be… is just using a club callsign a club activation?

    in reply to: ERROR COMANDO LOGSHEARCH #4735
    Andrew M0YMA

    This question has been asked a number of times…

    Logsearch (currently) only supports English (sorry) so if you have the page translated, then some of the buttons (eg Search, Apply) do not work ๐Ÿ™

    On the ToDo list is to add support for other languages…

    in reply to: Call not accepted #4699
    Andrew M0YMA

    Ummm… DL/F5HTR/P/P is an invalid callsign

    When you say “is not accepted” is this in a log, or as a username?

    in reply to: account approval #4695
    Andrew M0YMA

    Closed… done.

    in reply to: Wrong reference for SVFF activation #4693
    Andrew M0YMA


    Andrew M0YMA

    Clearing the backlog, but I note that your account has been approved.

    Thank you for your patience.

    in reply to: P2P Not confirming #4690
    Andrew M0YMA

    With apologies – my work and family matters have been getting in the way of my hobby.

    Could you give me some examples that have not confirmed, where both parties logs are uploaded?

    With close to nine million QSOs in the database, I need a clue ๐Ÿ˜‰

    in reply to: Wrong KFF Unit was Uploaded by Cordinator #4688
    Andrew M0YMA


    in reply to: Valid from 31-12-9999 to current #4687
    Andrew M0YMA

    OK… understand now.

    Of the 133, 73 are deleted… the other 60 were either created as deleted, or have been deleted – before being reinstated.

    I have corrected those 60

    Meanwhile, I will try and work out what is happening!

    in reply to: Club Disadvantage #4684
    Andrew M0YMA

    Kevin, there is no disadvantage for the individual operator – they still get the personal credit (at 44 QSOs) as long as the log is completed correctly

    Station_Call = club call
    Operator = personal call

    The additional criteria for clubs was added when a separate table was added for Clubs.

    As for the feasibility – yes, 200 can be a challenge (especially with current band conditions) but of my 86 references activated (all as a solo operator), I have passed 200 at 33 of them… although many of them did take two goes

    in reply to: YOFF #4339
    Andrew M0YMA


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